
Definitive Guide to Facebook Timeline Contests [eBook]

Timeline Contest eBook Guide

Since Facebook opened up the opportunity for Timeline Contests a few weeks ago, I've tried to keep you informed with a few blog posts on the key differences between Timeline and Tab Contests, ideas you can try, and now....

Your eBook definitive Guide to Facebook Timeline Contests is here! 

Fresh and ready to help you, this free eBook is the first complete guide with best practices, examples, and more. I dive into different types (Likes, Comments, Trivia, etc), explain the Facebook "must-have" disclaimers, and provide specific tips you can follow today to create a successful Timeline Contest.

Go get the eBook now!



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 After you get the download, I share a few more resources with you over the next week that compliment this eBook and help you improve your Facebook Marketing.
So what are you waiting for?  Get the eBook !

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