
Ways to Use Social Media to Promote Events

Photo by Andrew Neel / The Unsplash License

Planning an event can mean long, brutal days and nights. You don’t want all your energy to go to waste if few people show up and your hard work goes down the drain. Avoid those rookie mistakes and make sure you are managing your social media in a way that maximizes the full utility of your party.

Update Social Profiles

When posting on social media, it’s crucial to have a good understanding of who your audience is and what their interests are. For example, if your audience loves to play video games and games of strategy, post helpful articles regularly that will help them to master different styles of play. Before you even begin promoting your event anywhere, make sure to go through all of your social media accounts, whether they be Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, or LinkedIn and update outdated photos, reinvigorate your bios, and make sure all the links on your profile are new and usable. Having an outdated social media page is a turn-off, and makes the event seem less legitimate and reliable. Take some new photos with friends, edit them well, and update away.

Ask Friends for Assistance

Asking friends and influencers to promote your event is the best and easiest way to get the word out quickly. Your network is larger than you think, and combining your friend group with many other groups creates a trustworthy string of people who are more likely to come if they heard about it through someone they know. Your friends could ask their friends to post and promote your event, and in no time at all, your event will be seen by everybody in your area. Be mindful of location — asking a friend halfway across the country is not going to be useful. Reach out to influencers who might be interested in what you are trying to promote. Don’t be afraid to ask, it never hurts.

Have Contests

Maybe a little gimmicky, but contests always boost participation on your social media page. Offer something you could get a deal on somewhere, or shell out some money for some cool gadget like headphones recommended by headphonesaholic, and ask people to tag three friends to be entered. This will be sure to bring in more viewership on whatever event you are trying to promote.

Photo by Rawpixel / The Unsplash License

Use Hashtags

Ah, the hashtag. It started many years ago, but it’s still one of the greatest marketing tools in Internet history. Be sure to create a hashtag that is used throughout the planning of the event, and the day that it is happening to create more of a “brand” around the event. People need signals or symbols to help remember something, and a hashtag is a quick and easy way to remind people what you are doing.

Time it Well

Make sure to do research well in advance about the day and time you are choosing to host your event. There could be a huge baseball game happening that day, or a city-wide parade, and you don’t want your event to clash with something else. Also, research the genre of events you are planning in your city, and figure out a date that is clear of other commitments. Announce your event a month in advance. But don’t stop there! Continuously raise awareness by posting every week leading up to the event.

Make a Facebook Event

Although in recent years Facebook seems to have declined compared to Instagram, Facebook events are always reliable and give you all the details you would want to know. Make sure there are ample links to the specific Facebook event, and that there is a plethora of information to entice possible interested parties. Make the cover photo clean and professional, remembering the dimensions are 1920 x 1080 pixels. Avoid using photos that don’t fit into this frame — your event could look sloppily put together.

Paid Social Media Ads

Invest in the right tools. Don’t get sucked into random ads you may see that could help your  event. Instead, strategically pay for promoted ads on Instagram and Facebook. They boost the visibility of your event by 300 percent and are well worth the few dollars you put into it.

Make a Live Video

The day has come and it’s finally go time. Live streaming the event before it happens and while it’s happening actually has a huge impact on visibility. It’s also amazing to have some archival footage of the event happening in real time.


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