
Using Cause Marketing to Attract E-Commerce Buyers

Using ‘Cause Marketing’ to Attract E-Commerce Buyers

The dream of every business is to attract all the customers that they can. Growth is the goal, and there are many ways to achieve it including with Cause Marketing. If you were able to grow your business while helping others in need at the same time, would you do it?

Many businesses are saying yes, and partaking in a marketing strategy known as ‘cause marketing’.  Cause Marketing is just one useful strategy that can take your business to the next level. It could make more customers aware of your brand and motivate them to support your business.

What exactly does cause marketing involve, though? Take a look at these examples and some useful tips to implement this marketing strategy into your business to attract e-commerce buyers.

What Is Cause Marketing?

Before using it as a strategy, you have to know what it involves. Cause marketing is a strategy that typically involves a partnership between two groups.

A for-profit brand and a non-profit organization work together to make a difference in the world. This often takes the shape of a brand advocating for a charitable cause or an organization that needs outside support to thrive. A business uses the non-profit as a marketing technique to make sales, and with every purchase, something is donated to the non-profit.

People who have the means to support those in need are more likely to purchase a product if it means giving back to the community in some way. Linking your for-profit brand with a non-profit group is super attractive to e-commerce buyers for this reason. It will be worth investing in your brand if more people are inclined to purchase from it.

An Example: Kool8

Many brands already use cause marketing as part of their sales strategy. Kool8, a stainless steel reusable water bottle, is backed by a company that gives back.  The company gives 20 percent of the profits from every purchase toward clean water causes, such as providing clean water to regions that need it.

This bottle is also successful because of its environmentally conscious design that people love.

An Example: Red Nose Day

You might see people posting pictures with round red noses on their faces. This is actually an example of cause marketing between Walgreens and Red Nose Day. Through this partnership, they donate the proceeds raised through selling the red noses to help children in poverty.

The popularity across social media helped this cause grow even bigger, putting cause marketing to good use.

An Example: Toms

The popular shoe brand, Toms, is a popular example of a brand that uses cause marketing. When you buy a pair of Tom’s shoes, they donate a pair to a child in need.  This inspires people to purchase their shoes in order to contribute to a larger cause. Cause marketing is all about making a difference while expanding your brand!

Top Tips for Cause Marketing

There are so many marketing strategies that work in 2020, but cause marketing could be the one that helps your business stand out.

It could also be one of the strongest methods for attracting e-commerce buyers to invest in and sell your products. These five tips could help you use cause marketing in your business more effectively.

Tip #1: Choose a Non-Profit or Charity You Are Passionate About

One of the most important pieces of employing cause marketing is to choose an organization that you support.  While there are so many causes you can choose from, you will be more inclined to work hard if you care about it deeply.

E-commerce buyers will see the passion behind the brand when they fully support a cause and will be more attracted to your goals.  Picking a cause that you care about on a personal level can make a huge difference in the way that buyers view your brand.

Tip #2: The Cause Should Be Connected to Your Brand in Some Way

While you definitely need to care about the cause you choose, it should also connect with the business you run.

Just like Kool8 supports clean water and Toms donates shoes, your business should work to provide something to the organization that is similar to what your customers purchase.

E-commerce buyers will like the consistency within the brand. A clear message and support for something you care about will help them recognize the success your business could bring.

Tip #3: Use Social Media to Your Advantage

It is safe to assume that most people use some form of social media. Even if they don’t, hot topics on social media often end up on the news for the rest of the world to see.

Emphasizing how your business is supporting a cause using social media is a great way to get your name to spread really fast. 

Much like the quickly spread Ice Bucket Challenge that supported ALS, your business could reach the phones of so many, which e-commerce buyers will love. They will want to support a business with a strong social media presence because it will be clear how passionate your customers are.

Tip #4: Create a Strong Message

Every successful marketing campaign, cause marketing or not, has some kind of familiar slogan or phrase associated with it.

Toms uses their well-known phrase “One to One” to get right to the point. Everyone understands it and many people recognize its association with the brand.

A short phrase like that is important to link with all of your cause marketing posts to get customers familiar with what you stand for.

Effective use of the cause marketing strategy could lead your brand to become a household name, and e-commerce buyers will see that.

The goal of a buyer is to choose the brands that will sell. If your brand has a clear message, people will recognize it and buy it more frequently.

Tip #5: Donate What You Can

Many companies do give money as part of their cause marketing campaign, but a more unique way to help out is to provide a needed resource or material. You can donate the products you sell or something similar to what your company stands for, much like Toms donates shoes instead of money.

An e-commerce buyer will be more likely to support a brand that is unique and stands out from the rest. Do it differently to make a lasting impression that more people will support. Cause marketing could be a strong way to help your company stand out to e-commerce buyers. Do what you love and support what you are passionate about to inspire more support for your brand.

Marina Turea works as Content Manager at Digital Authority Partners.

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