
Types of Employee Training Methods

Types of Employee Training Methods

People are considered as an organization’s greatest asset. Their morale and welfare can make or break its success. A study on 237 employees showed that there is a direct relationship between good training and improved job proficiency.

Unfortunately, training also entails costs so it’s prudent to choose cost-effective approaches. Redwerk offers one-stop-shop LMS solutions to help nurture employee skills.

In this article, we will tackle the top 7 training methods that can benefit both employees and employers.

The Best Employee Training Methods

1. eLearning

Because of its prevalence, eLearning has been known in a variety of names like online training, computer-based training (CBT), and technology-based training.

eLearning is one of the best ways to effectively train employees because it gives them the flexibility to learn the material at their own time, pace, and style.  When time and efficiency is of the essence, you might also try microlearning which is very time-efficient.

Since training is digital, you can provide quizzes, assignments, and pre-recorded videos to employees at their convenience. To achieve this, it’s a wise option to tap eLearning software development services like the company Redwerk that provides electronic tools to maximize educational learning.

2. Classroom Learning

As the name implies, an instructor leads the training for a group of people. The classroom training occurs either in a physical venue or in a virtual setup.

The classroom method’s main advantage is scalability. Instructors can conveniently impart the message or information to multiple listeners simultaneously.

Instructor-led training enables personalized learning and hands-on experience while operating at low fixed costs.

The challenging part of this training method is monitoring the employees if they are truly engaged. To counter this, it’s wise to add interactive activities like quizzes or trivia.

Utilizing employee training software can greatly facilitate the monitoring of employee engagement in various training methods.

3. Mentoring

Mentoring or coaching has always been an indispensable training solution adapted by companies for many decades. In fact, it’s one of the best practices that's taught in HR management degrees. This method assigns trainees to a particular mentor who guides them and their responsibilities in the company.

The trainee not only learns about a specific role but also the company’s culture. In the long run, mentoring strengthens relationships between members of the organization because of a two-way learning process: the trainee learns from the mentor and vice versa.

Coaching positively impacts the employee’s performance because it encourages and motivates them.

4. Simulation Training

Simply put, simulation training is training for a job but away from the job.

In simulation training, the interface of the programs reflects the actual work scenarios, allowing the trainees to analyze and develop probable solutions to certain problems. Simulation training is particularly beneficial for technical jobs like aviation, surgery, accounting, and engineering.

You can try virtual reality (VR) software where the employee can interact with a 3D environment or let employees share their ideas using scenario-based interactive videos.

5. Social Learning

Social learning has been in the books since time immemorial. By gathering people together, they can interact with one another and impart their unique knowledge to the subject. It is often a part of sexual harassment training.

With the rise of technology and social media channels, you can create closed groups where employees can gather together virtually to share their ideas through documents, videos, and other media.

6. Case Studies

If you’ve encountered case studies at school, guess what? It’s also a great training tool at work!

Case studies help employees to analyze scenarios that reflect real-life workplace situations. Either the employee goes solo or works with a group, they will come up with a recommendation based on the scenario.

7. On-the-Job Training (OJT)

This type of training never gets old because it works! By immersing employees into new pastures with a buddy, they can learn new things, develop skills, and discover their untapped potential.

In an OJT, however, the employee shadowed by the trainee might provide inputs that might not be the one intended by the company.

You may find it useful to conduct regular assessments to test the knowledge of your staff and to understand what improvements need to be made and where. This test maker is a great software worth using if you want to easily create employee assessments.


Which of the mentioned training methods is considered the best?

Bear in mind that every employee is different.  Some are good at reading, some in listening, while others in visualizing. In choosing your training method, consider your team’s strengths and weaknesses.

Among the training methods, it is important to note that eLearning has become more relevant in our time. Discuss with your team how you can blend eLearning with other methods like classroom and simulation.

The happier and motivated the employees are, the better it will be for the company.

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