
The Essential SEO Content Writing Checklist

The Essential SEO Content Writing Checklist

How To Write Perfectly Optimized And High Ranking Content

Search Engine Optimization doesn't have to be a mystery… Ever wondered how all your favorite sites get their content to rank so highly on Google and other search engines? Ever wondered how people are able to make money from their websites using traffic and ads alone? Well, their secret is SEO (Search Engine Optimization). This term covers a range of different techniques and practices that are used to make sure that Google pushes content out to its users. If you are new to the world of SEO or are simply wondering what are the most important elements of SEO in content writing to get articles ranking then you have come to the right place.

In this article, you are going to find a simple 6 point checklist that will help you to get the most out of your content.

#1 - Find A Niche

One of the most important things you can do to make sure that your content ranks well is to make sure you are writing content in a niche that is not over-saturated. To rank well, you need to establish yourself and your site as an expert in one fairly small topic. When you are trying to pick that topic, do some research into it and make sure there is not too much competition for your site.

#2 - Pick The Right Title

The next thing you should be thinking about is the titles of each of your articles. You want to make sure that you are writing about topics that people are searching for frequently and that people want to read.

The easiest way to do this is to use a tool that will rank the search results of your niche. These results will tell you what people are looking for and what articles you should be writing first. If you are just starting out and can't afford any SEO content writing tools, have a look at the articles your competitors are writing.

#3 - Pick The Right Article Length

Once you have picked an article title, it's time to decide how long that article is going to be. Google doesn't always rank something higher just because the article is longer. Plus, in the long run, the shorter you can make the piece, the more pieces you are going to be able to write. So, take a look at your competitors' articles and how long they are. If they are able to cover the topic in a certain amount of words then you shouldn't use more words to do the same job. However, if they do not answer the question or cover the topic well, then it is worth your time to use some extra words and write a better article.

#4 - Link Out To Other High Ranking Articles

The algorithm that Google uses to rank articles is complicated - what it is essentially trying to work out is if your site is a trustworthy source. A way you can make your content appear higher quality to Google is to link out to high authority sites that talk about the same topics. We don't mean linking out to your competitors, but there will be other sites in a parallel niche that you can reference.

#5 - Steal (Like An Artist) From Your Competitors

There is a concept in Art and Fiction Writing - stealing like an artist.

This is not encouraging plagiarism, instead, it recommends that artists repurpose things they like about other people's work with their own twist. This is very useful when it comes to content writing. If there is something you like about how your competitor has written an article - don't reinvent the wheel. Instead, take what they have done and improve upon it. Just be prepared for other people to do this to you when your work starts ranking well. You can find more content writing advice here -

#6- Include Keywords Enough Times

When you finally sit down to write your article, you need to think about the vocabulary you are using. There will be certain keywords for a topic that you will need to use multiple times to show Google that you are fully answering the question in your article title. For example, if you were talking about content writing - your keywords might be:

  • SEO
  • Ranking
  • Algorithm
  • Content
  • Quality

The best way to work out what keywords Google is looking for is to make note of the frequently used words in your competitors' articles - or invest in an SEO tool for content writing.

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