
The Enchanting Way Business Process Outlined

Everyone wants to grow their business.

In many industries today, what worked the previous two decades is no longer working today.  Are you in that boat?  Has your business climate shifted?

The Digital World, basically the web and social media, has changed that.  Processes are different, customer acquisition and support are different, and new models for doing business are needed.

Enter "The Enchanting Way."


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The Enchanting Way Business Process

How it Evolved:

Lawyer Jacob Sapochnick saw this transition taking place when he worked at a traditional law firm. The old model was based on billboards and phone book ads. As he began his own firm he began to experiment and shift his business processes.

At first he was simply focused on "money first", just trying to pay the expenses and grow the practice. This resulted in long hours and little delegation.  Realizing he needed a shift for his long term sanity to avoid burnout and to enjoy life more, he realized the need to delegate and he moved to a more "employee first" model.  This shift had him focusing on creating a "good environment" for the employees.  If they were enjoying their work and work life, they would perform better.  He began to delegate and learned that to delegate effectively he needed to write down processes.

Finally, the last shift in his own business process philosophy occurred when he read the book Enchantment by Guy Kawasaki.  Kawasaki defines enchantment as, "the process of delighting people with a product, service, organization, or an idea. The outcome of enchantment is the voluntary and long-lasting support, which is mutually beneficial."  Jacob saw this was the final shift from "employee focused" to "Customer centric" where his team collaborated together in a positive environment to do all they could to delight customers.

The Enchanting Way Defined:

According to Jacob, it comes down to two simply words:  Customers Matter.


[Tweet "The Enchanting Way biz process comes down to 2 words: Customers Matter. via @visalawyerblog w/ @mike_gingerich #halftimemike"]

Make customers feel special and valued.  By going further to provide support and care, it turns potential customers into long-term clients.  For the team, The Enchanting Way means working together for the customer, as opposed to working a job requiring you "to be here until 5 p.m."  It's a shift where employees are empowered with tools and authority to provide exceptional service, and an environment where everyone is pulling together for each other to serve the client.  For employees, this means unlimited vacation and personal time with a trust that they find ways to fulfill their work, meet their client goals, and enjoy life.

The opposite is burnout by owners, lack of motivation in the workforce, and clients feeling like numbers rather than people.  Jacob says you can either cut corners to grow profits, which is a short term solution, or you can provide value and invest in things that keep customers happy.

3 Elements of the Enchanting Way Business Process

1. A Good Leads System

By providing value and quality, free content.  This is the new model of business that includes content marketing and social media.  Offer great value upfront and they'll become your clients.  This can be done with blogging, social media, podcasting and more.  The key is to move visitors into your funnel where you can nurture them further with email as a lead with lead capture methods.

Interesting to note:  Jacob outlines to never push the sell on social media.  If you do, you are simply noise that will be ignored.  It's about the connection and rapport you build through providing help so that when they are ready, they call you.

2. A Lead Management Systems

Systems are critical!  Systems are made up of processes.  Processes are the specific steps for any part of the lead and client care process.  From a process on "how to answer the phone" to a process on "what to do when you learn a client's relative has passed away."  Systems empower employees to act confidently and quickly, and give the business a method to ensure the quality of care in each interaction.

3. Empowering Employees

Ensure that employees have the tools they need to succeed and act.  From specific processes to equipping on the underlying values so that they can make correct judgements and take correct action to enchant clients.  Employees that feel cared for and valued, together with having the tools they need are then able and willing to collaborate to ensure the best possible experience for customers.

Not Sold on giving employees this much freedom?

Initially, many business owners can be skeptical about unlimited vacation time and time off among other employee perks.  Jacobs answers that by asking the owners to answer three questions:

1. Why did you start your business?

2. Why are you passionate about your business mission?

3.  For what social cause does your business exist?

Jacob believes that business owners will come down to very similar points at the foundation.  Business owners want to make a difference.  They believe their product can make a difference, and they often they need to be challenged to think of the social cause, and by doing so they can arrive at the conclusion that ultimately people matter.  Serving people in some way is a social cause for action and when you serve people you invest in a circle that returns value back to you.  The more you give, the more you receive.

Listen in to the podcast to get all the details!

Jacob Online:

One of my favorite moments of Social Media Marketing World was going to Jacob's office before the conference and out to lunch with some great friends!

jacob mike and friends jessika and april

Next Doable Task:

It’s always about taking away learnings and applying them!  What’s the key takeaway that you need to act on in the next 24 hours based on listening to this?
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Why the Halftime theme Mike?

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I’m an Indiana Hoosier native where basketball is the top sport. Every team heads to the locker room at halftime to evaluate the first half and create a updated plan for the second half. That plan includes adjustments based on reviewing what worked and what didn't. The “halftime” is a key review point where the game stops, the team pulls away to huddle in the locker room away from the fans, and they come out prepared and ready to succeed in the second half.

That’s what this podcast is all about, taking the time to pull away for a bit to evaluate, learn, and set some strategies for your business to succeed in the second half. Join me by subscribing and let me be your “business halftime” to help you find great success going forward!

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