
The Different Knowledge Management Software Tools

The Different Knowledge Management Software Tools

Any customer service or support person worth their weight in salt knows that knowledge is power. With complex software systems, it's often impossible to remember or know all of the different interactions and potential problems that can occur. A knowledge management software tool helps to address this gap.

An additional benefit that many businesses are also realizing is self-help. Many companies struggle to stay abreast of the volume of cases, emails, phone calls, and chat requests they're constantly being bombarded with. Many of these requests can be deflected with the right knowledge management tool, letting the customer help themselves.

What's Knowledge Management Software?

Studies have shown that customers prefer to solve their problems on their own over contacting a support agent.


Well, self-service puts the customer in charge and gives them the autonomy they need and want. They no longer need to wait in line for “the next available technician” or even a response to an email. They have the power to help themselves.

However, with this power comes a responsibility on the business to empower them with the right information.

The benefits of a solid knowledge management plan aren't only with the customer, though. Businesses also benefit greatly as it frees up resources so businesses can focus more attention on higher stakes situations requiring human touches.

Knowledge management tools need knowledge bases to work effectively, however. A knowledge base is a collection of information that's used to support customers or employees.

Essential Requirements of a Knowledge Management Tool

There are a lot of different knowledge management software tools on the market. However, they all need to share some similar features:

  • Powerful Search Capabilities - The system must have the ability to quickly and easily search through all of the knowledge in the system.
  • Easy to Use - The system should be easy to use so that people will actually use it.
  • Collaborative Environment - The system should allow for collaboration so that people can work together to create and manage knowledge.
  • Process-Centric - The system should be process-centric so it can integrate into an organization's business processes.
  • Flexible - The system should be flexible so it can adapt to the needs of an organization.
  • Scalable - The system should be scalable to grow with the needs of an organization.
  • Integration with Other Applications - It should integrate with other applications that people are already using, such as email, CRM systems, instant messaging, and document management systems.

The Different Types of Knowledge Management Software

When it comes to knowledge management software tools, there are a variety of different ones on the market. Each has its own benefits and drawbacks. This can make it tricky to decide which one is right for your needs. There are four general types of knowledge management software:

  • Content Management Systems (CMS) - A content management system manages the content on a website. A CMS includes tools for authoring, managing, and publishing web pages.
  • Collaborative knowledge management systems - A collaborative knowledge management system allows team members to collaborate on creating, managing and sharing knowledge.
  • Knowledge management portals - A knowledge management portal provides a central location for employees to find information and collaborate on projects.
  • Social knowledge management systems - A social knowledge management system uses social networking features to help employees share knowledge with each other.

Each of these types of knowledge management software has its own unique set of features. Therefore, it's important to understand what you need before you decide which one to buy.

Picking the Right Knowledge Management Software Tool

There are a lot of different knowledge management software tools on the market. Before making a selection, it is important to consider how you will use the tool. Will it be customer-facing or purely internal?

If you plan to have customers use it and access information, a tool that ties into your CRM might be the best solution. In this case, something like Freshdesk or Zendesk could be the right fit. If you’re planning on only using it internally, you might want to consider Confluence or a Wiki.

When making a choice, consider your audience, your users, and how to use it. Think about the situation not only from where you are right now, but where you will likely be in the future.

Each knowledge management software tool is different. Thus, you'll want to do your research before you decide which one to buy. Picking the wrong tool can be costly and frustrating. Hence, it is key for you to weigh your options carefully.


Knowledge management software is an important part of any business. It can help you keep track of your data, improve communication, and make your team more productive.

In today's business world, the smallest edge can make a massive difference. Make sure you choose the right knowledge management software tool for your needs, or you'll be left behind.

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