
Document360 — The Self-Service Knowledge Base Software You Need In 2021

The maxim, “knowledge is power,” has become increasingly relevant for businesses that want to grow their ideal customer base. You see, by giving customers access to a centralized knowledge base wherein they can themselves search and find solutions to their problems, businesses can deliver a seamless user experience.

A self-service knowledge base software can play a life-saving role during the pandemic era. Investing in knowledge management technologies can help enterprises deliver accurate and real-time information to their audience. The challenges thrown by the global pandemic have accelerated changes in consumer behavior and expectations. Self-service technologies like Document360 offer tightly integrated solutions that make sure that the relevant experiences are delivered.

Document360 is a platform that enables the easy creation of an online knowledge base, user manuals, and documentation. Specifically built for growing businesses, it efficiently helps develop a robust self-service knowledge base nudging customers (and even employees) to resolve their queries pronto via the online medium.

Document360 — The Self-Service Knowledge Base Software You Need In 2021

The software is powered with localization capabilities, markdown editor, customization support, and advanced analytics and security features that allow businesses to boost internal collaboration for content production and provide appropriate information to their users.

Moreover, you can get a real-time online preview of the content as you type it in the editor. Seriously, you do not have to be a developer to pick up the basics of the platform. Are you intrigued to learn more about Document360? Let’s take a closer look at the platform.

Features of Document360

1. Sharing settings

Protect your documents to make them visible to only the internal users or team members. Meaning, you can opt to make specific contents of your knowledge base go private or public. Grant roles to users based on project requirements. Provide particular roles with specific access, such as readers, editors, and admin.

2. Version control

To keep track of all the previous changes made on a document and restoring older versions, Document360 regularly takes the backup of the content. Therefore, you can easily roll back older versions as and when required.


3. Dynamic editor

This knowledge base platform comes with an extremely easy-to-use editor, powered with extra formatting capabilities, which is suited for articles with more images and video content.

You can also compose your documents using Markdown Keyboard shortcuts to do the job faster. If you are using screenshots or videos in the documentation, embed them from third-party platforms such as Wistia, Vimeo, and YouTube.

Creating internal links to articles within the knowledge base is also possible from the editor itself, making the process of content editing easy and effective.

4. Intelligent search

To fasten up the search experience, Document360 deploys an intelligent search functionality that automatically suggests content as soon as a user enters text. Plus, you can even define the article SEO settings with a page title, description, tags, slugs, and a custom feature image.

5. Category manager

Document360 allows businesses to structure the content of their knowledge base to make it more accessible for users. That means you can maintain the hierarchy of articles and other documents by adding up to six levels of sub-categories to one category, thus helping users find related information relatively easily. Moreover, hiding a category is also easy.

Self-Service Knowledge Base Software You Need

6. Real-time analytics

Integrate analytics software, such as Google Analytics, to check which pages (or contents) in your knowledge base generate the maximum traffic. It will help you get an error-free and detailed understanding of how users interact with the knowledge base, including search queries and failed searches.

7. Localization and collaboration

The best part is you can localize your knowledge base in multiple languages spoken worldwide and even have customized homepages for each language. Plus, you can collaborate with authors in the team to write or review published and draft articles.

360 knowledge

Use cases of Document360

There are several ways in which you can use Document360. Here are six types of content pieces you can create on the knowledge base:

1. Product documentation

Quickly build detailed documentation for your products, including sub-categories in your self-service knowledge base.

2. Technical docs

Swiftly create well-structured technical guides, tutorials, system docs, and more to help your customers overcome technical queries.

3. User guides

Create guides and store them in one centralized place. Conveniently replace offline PDFs and other content pieces which are difficult or impossible to edit.

4. Descriptive FAQs

Easily construct dynamic FAQ pages covering all the frequently-asked questions. Moreover, you can update questions and answers smoothly on the platform, as and when required.

5. Internal knowledge base

Build private documentation for your team members or clients that can only be viewed with credentials.

6. Standard Operating Procedures

You can create SOPs such as handbooks or sales/marketing playbooks for better guiding different teams in the company.

Integration and extensions

Businesses will appreciate that Document360 offers smooth compatibility with a lot of different enterprise-scale tools and extensions. You can connect your knowledge base with the following and provide 360-degree assistance to your users:

1. Helpdesks

Connect Document360 with ticketing systems (systems that process customer service requests) such as Zendesk and Freshdesk.

2. Chatbots

Integrate with chat functionalities by Intercom and Olark to use documentation as automated answers.

3. Analytics tools

Gain real-time analysis by integrating with analytics software such as Google Analytics for better analyzing consumer behavior.

4. Translation services

Allow easy translation of articles in various languages by merely integrating with translation tools such as Crowdin.

5. Commenting

Integrate your knowledge base with an advanced commenting platform like Disqus to get customer insights via comments.

6. CRO

Boost the conversion rate of the traffic received on your knowledge base by integrating it with robust CRO tools such as Freshmarketer and Hotjar.

7. Browser extension

Enable one-touch access to your knowledge base from any Chrome browser tabs to allow easy and quick search and article look-up directly from the browser.

8. Team collaboration

Equip your customer service representatives with your Document360 knowledge base — without having to leave their Slack channels or Microsoft Teams.

Smooth migration

Document360 enables you to migrate content pieces from pretty much all the knowledge base systems with the help of automated tools and manual processes. They perform QA processes and set redirection rules to migrate without losing existing SEO traffic.

Plans and pricing

To get started, you can opt for a free plan for 14 days. Depending on your experience and usage, get started with any of the plans. The basic plan costs $49 per month and offers two team accounts, 5 GB storage, and 10,000-page visits per month.

If you want something on a larger scale, there are two more plans for $149 and $299 per month (billed annually) that come with more advanced offerings. You can check them out here.

Summing it up

Document360 is a SaaS-based platform that allows businesses to create, collaborate, and publish articles and documentation in real-time. Creating a self-service knowledge-base for users to get answers swiftly helps companies reduce support requests by 50%.

As of today, more than 10,000 people from 80 countries use Document360 and offer superior user experiences. Companies like Microsoft, Harvard University, and Stackify use this knowledge base. What are your thoughts on it?

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