
Steps to Take to Start a Swimming Pool Business

Steps to Take to Start a Swimming Pool Business

Maybe you've been thinking of starting a swimming pool business or looking for a swimming pool service franchise, and we're here to help. If so, you'll want to start with these steps.

Decide if starting a swimming pool business is right for you.

To make sure that starting your own swimming pool business is right for you, be sure that you:

  • Prepare for the financial and physical demands of running a business.
  • Enjoy working with people.
  • Have enough time to devote to running a business.
  • Have the patience needed to deal with customers.

Consider your competition.

It's important to note that there are many different types of swimming pool businesses, each with its unique qualities and challenges. Some are larger and more established than others, while some are small local shops that don't have the benefit of being part of a national chain. You can also find many different types of companies online—from large e-commerce sites like Amazon to specialty stores selling just one type of product (like pool chemicals).

While it is useful to know what your competition is doing well and where they're falling short, you also want to consider where your strengths lie in comparison. Do you want customers who are price sensitive? Or do you want loyal customers who will continue using your services over time because they enjoy working with you? If so, this may mean offering lower rates or other incentives for long-term contracts or monthly memberships. On the other hand, if most people will simply buy from whoever offers them the lowest price on any given day then perhaps offering several different pricing options would be better suited for getting their attention instead:

  • $20 per hour without any special privileges;
  • $25 per hour with basic benefits such as insurance coverage while on duty (upgradeable at any time);
  • $30 per hour with all benefits included plus automatic access onto our private Facebook group where hundreds of other local professionals share tips about how best practices work best when working together towards common goals."

Learn the local rules and guidelines governing swimming pool contractors.

The first step to starting a swimming pool business is learning the rules and regulations that govern your state, county, and municipality. These vary by location, so you'll have to check with your local building department before you can start the process of setting up the shop.

When it comes to getting started in any business, you must find out what additional permits or licenses are required for your industry—and how much they cost. As an example: In some states, such as Texas and New York, pool contractors must be certified by the National Swimming Pool Foundation (NSPF).

Choose a business name, structure, and location.

Your business name should be easy to remember and spell, with a name that spells out what you do. For example, if you are going to sell swimming pools and recreational water features, use a name like "Swimming Pool Connection" or "The Pool Company". However, keep in mind that your business name can have an impact on your marketing efforts. If the word pool is not in your company's name but you are still selling swimming pools, people may not know what kind of product or service they are buying from you without further investigation.

When choosing which legal structure fits your needs as a small business owner and the taxpayer (sole proprietor), consider;

  • Federal tax returns
  • State-federal tax payments
  • Legal protection from creditors;
  • Personal liability protection
  • Registration requirements for businesses seeking government contracts
  • Registration requirements for employers offering fringe benefits such as health insurance coverage for employees' dependents under age 26 (if applicable)
  • Requirements for employers offering 401(k) plan contributions as part of their employee benefits package (if applicable).

Prepare a business plan.

The first step to starting a swimming pool business is to prepare a business plan. It’s important to understand what goes into writing a good one. Understand how you can use it as a roadmap for your business. A well-written business plan will help you set goals and make decisions based on the information you have gathered about your target audience, competition, costs, and more.

It should be broken up into clearly defined sections.

  • An executive summary
  • Market analysis
  • Management team bios
  • Sales forecast
  • A marketing plan
  • Operations plan
  • Human resources plan
  • Financial projections (operating budget)
  • Balance sheets/cash flow analysis (startup costs).

Some people are also going to want an environmental impact statement. This allows them to know how their actions affect the environment around them.

Determine what services to offer.

Once you've figured out the location of your business, you need to determine what services you want to offer. Many different factors come into play when determining this.

  • Do you have experience with swimming pools or as an Austin, Texas pool builder? If not, it might be best for you to stick with simple pool cleaning and maintenance. Avoid repairs or complicated issues that may arise.
  • How big is the pool? This will affect how much time and effort is required when cleaning or performing maintenance.
  • What type of pool do they have? A concrete or vinyl liner requires different types of maintenance compared to an above-ground metal frame pool or in-ground concrete one.
  • What type of maintenance does the owner need to do on their existing equipment/pumps/filters/tanks (if any)?

The first thing I recommend doing before making any final decisions is talking with potential customers about what they're looking for in terms of service levels, price point expectations, and product offerings (e.g., chemicals).

Advertise your business.

You have to advertise your business.

The number one reason to advertise is that it works! If you don’t get the word out about your services, no one will know about them and they won’t hire you. You need to tell potential customers about what kind of work you do, where you work, and how much it costs.

The second reason for advertising is that it costs money but makes sales. When people see advertisements in newspapers or on television, they start thinking about buying from those companies or brands instead of others (just like when someone sees a good movie trailer). This makes them more likely to purchase things from these businesses later on down the line. If those businesses were smart enough to invest some money into their advertising campaigns beforehand, then they'll make more profit overall!

Take key steps that will help you succeed as a pool contractor.

  • Choose a business name that is easy to remember and will help you succeed.
  • Make sure you are licensed and registered to do the work in your area.
  • Have a good reputation, so people trust you when it comes to their pools.
  • Be prepared to work hard. But, also be sure not to get burned out by working too much or too little at any one time.


We hope this guide will help you get started on your swimming pool business the right way. Don’t forget to check with local authorities before you begin operating. Be sure to prepare a solid business plan that includes specific details about what services you intend to offer. If all goes well, then by following these steps and putting in some hard work, we’re sure that anyone can succeed as a swimming pool contractor!

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