
Pinterest Insights: Tailwind App Delivers for Businesses

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I was recently introduced to a great tool that helps businesses gain insight into how Pinterest can help their company better reach their target market.

This unique software is designed to help companies discover the pins, trends, and pinners that can boost their business visibility.   With Pinterest being the #2 source for driving volumes of social traffic to websites, it's a social tool many businesses are using more and to use it successfully they need a app like the Tailwind App.

 The Origins of Tailwind

The creators of the Tailwind App started using Pinterest in  2011 during the early days of this social network.  They found that using Pinterest was a great way to market to their customers by taking photographs and uploading them with descriptions.  The founders of Tailwind were marketing bridal websites at the time and were seeing tremendous success as people were using Pinterest to help plan their weddings. Additional companies started turning to them for advice and consulting on Pinterest marketing, and now  fast forward to today where over 17,000 of the world’s leading brands use Tailwind to help them with success on Pinterest.

 What Tailwind Offers: Pinterest Insights

The app from Tailwind has been dubbed "Discover" as it helps companies uncover all the content related to their Pinterest marketing. Using this one app, companies are able to analyze their Pinterest efforts, including statistics of pins from their website and other topics related to their business. Some of the unique insights related to the app allow users to understand the following:

  • Conversations among customers about their brand including specific keywords, hashtags, and domains.
  • Ability to uncover popular pins for any topic related to their customer’s needs. This helps companies to curate content for their fans that they are directly interested in viewing.
  • Discover popular Pinterest users and their influence over topics related to your industry.
  • Saving topics related to your brand into various collections.
  • Monitor the popularity of your brand on Pinterest.
  • Track keywords and domains that customers deem relevant.


Discovering What Works

Tailwind offers the insights that help marketers to understand how to engage customers in the right way to boost awareness and understand purchase intent and brand loyalty. The app enables a business to remove guesswork and find specifics on what are the best performing pins and Pinterest boards. The app includes “heatboxes” which indicate various boards that are pinned frequently. The board report also shows the highest engagement score, which content is related to your brand followers, and which is related to your Pinterest use. If you want to see how a certain campaign performs, you can track its effectiveness by upgrading your account to a paid version and setting the date filters.



That's a wrap on the primary features of the Tailwind App for Pinterest users.  There are even more features than I've discussed!  One important note is that the free version covers just about all I've outlined, making it a great tool at no cost for many businesses.

So if Pinterest is part of your business marketing efforts, then exploring the Tailwind App should be on your "to-do" list for sure!

Have you explored Tailwind or another other tool that gives Pinterest insights?

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