
Pinterest Academy: What it is and Who should use it?


Pinterest has recently launched an e-learning business academy tool with a range of courses designed for marketing teams. It’s free and accessible to businesses in the US, Canada, Australia, UK, Germany, and France to help them see opportunities and utilize the platform to grow their business sales opportunities.

Pinterest has over 300 million active users. As well it's one of the highest drivers of traffic to a website of any social media platform. Consequently, marketers are eager to leverage it.  This is especially the case considering 90 percent of people who pin weekly also use the platform to make buying decisions.

Now, marketers new to the platform can use this e-learning tool to understand how their business can utilize pins. Not to mention to get the best ROI from the platform.

A Peek into Common Pinterest Terminologies

Before we dive deeper into the program, here are the most common Pinterest terms.  These will help you as you get acquainted with the platform and how it can be used by businesses for marketing.

Pinners: A term used for Pinterest users.

Pins: An image or video that a users adds to Pinterest. Every pin can link back to the original source, hence Pinterest can be a great source of referral website traffic.

Boards: Pinterest users have saved an incredible 200 billion pins to date. To keep things organized, users sort the pins into collections (boards). Pinners can follow your entire account or specific boards. The pins you save will appear in their feed.  You can also have “shared boards” where you invite others to contribute pins to the board.

Re-pin: This is when a pinner takes an image from one of your boards and re-posts it to one of their own boards. For marketing purposes, this is what you want as it expands the view of your pins to their audience as well.

Feed: Similar to a feed on a social network- it’s a collection of content and links from boards and users that the pinner has followed.  This would be similar to the scrolling feed in Instagram.

What to Expect on Pinterest Academy Courses

At launch, Pinterest is offering these five programs:

  • Pinterest narrative: It’s a brief overview of Pinterest- how the platform works and why businesses should use it to market and sell.
  • Creative inspiration: You’ll be able to explore different pin formats and understand how to create the pins to interact with your audience.
  • Creative strategy: Learn how the different pin formats benefit various types of consumers and how you can develop a creative business strategy.
  • Campaign objectives: You’ll understand the different formats of Pinterest ads and you’ll learn which one best suits your business.
  • Targeting and buying: It entails targeting options so you can market your pins to the right audience.

Four additional courses are on the way. They aim to take aspiring pinners through setting their business account, and how to build a more effective Pin presence.

  • Setting up a Pinterest Business account.
  • Planning and strategizing a campaign.
  • Building and launching a campaign.
  • Managing and measuring a campaign.

How Pinterest Academy can Help Businesses

Pinterest Academy is specifically designed for marketers who don't have time but they want to learn about Pinterest.

Each course should take around 5 minutes to complete and the full program start to finish is about an hour. It has professional tips, practical examples and it integrates links to other tools on how to grow your Pinterest Business.

The key benefit is that you can start or stop the classes at any time. You can also skip around and take the courses that are relevant for your business goals. Hence you’re completely in control.

The courses are designed for mobile as 85 percent of all Pinners access the platform using their mobile devices. However, you can still access them using a desktop but you’ll encounter some white spaces.

Thanks to the convenient inbuilt planner, employers can plan and schedule their courses. They can easily track the progress of every member of the marketing team. Therefore ensuring they’re fully versed on how to use Pinterest for business.

Final Thoughts on Pinterest Academy

While most of the courses aim towards marketers new to Pinterest, there are additional valuable tips for businesses already on the platform.

Pinterest Academy caters to all kinds of users. It's a not-to-be-missed course, check the success stories and inspiration on the Pinterest Business Page.

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