
LinkedIn Marketing: Step-By-Step Guide for B2B Businesses

There are multiple platforms currently available that offer high-quality and dynamic features for both buyers and sellers. Indeed, brands of different industries are partnering with such platforms to increase operational productivity and customer reach. One of the notable platforms that brands use for enhanced marketing strategies is LinkedIn. Statistically, there are around 30 million businesses currently available that utilize LinkedIn.

Brands make use of multiple marketing tools and strategies for networking, sales boost, and higher engagements. B2B businesses, in particular, utilize LinkedIn for lead generation with successful results. Statistically, LinkedIn brings 80% of all B2B leads compared to other platforms like Twitter or Facebook. So, with the right marketing strategies implemented, brands can expect more LinkedIn outbound sales. Hence higher ROI from lower investments and efforts.

This article, in particular, focuses on the steps involved in properly creating and launching LinkedIn marketing strategies for B2B businesses. LinkedIn Marketing: Step-By-Step Guide for B2B Businesses

  • Strategize & Research.

First and foremost, your brand should have a strategy in mind for attracting other businesses and end-users. To note, the analytics metrics on LinkedIn are not the same as those in other platforms. Therefore, brand owners must use completely distinctive tactics for content or marketing strategies to attract LinkedIn audiences. Indeed, this platform has a career-oriented base and data-driven strategies work best to attract the target audiences here.

  • Set Up The Brand Linkedin Page.

To get started with this platform and its services, the professionals first need to set up the company’s page on LinkedIn. To create your personalized LinkedIn page, visit the LinkedIn marketing solutions webpage and go to the LinkedIn pages area. Here, you can create a profile of your company after selecting the business category.

Afterward, B2B marketers must add the details on the idea accurately. Also, supplement a banner, descriptions (company/product/service) and fill out all the relevant details. Use 3-4 short paragraphs to brief about the company's values, objective, and mission, and product/service-based descriptions.

  • Add Details.

Statistically, detailed company pages bring 30% higher views compared to incomplete pages. Therefore, appropriate end-to-the end data is important to optimize the company page. You must include:

  • Hashtags- It is best to choose and add more relevant hashtags as per the industry to convey the idea of the content. Count-wise, at least 3 hashtags are appropriate on the company page.
  • Company description- You need to use 3-4 short paragraphs to detail the values, objective, and mission of the company as well as product/service-based descriptions in the company page. Here, B2B marketers should focus on relaying the brand voice in the content and keep it short and concise. Adding relevant keywords would improve the SERP ranking as well. That, in turn, would allow the brand to reach more potential customers and improve conversion  rates.
  • Location- Brand owners should add the location details about their office or store location(s) via the '+Add Location' option.
  • Cover photo- Brand owners must include a high-definition and attractive background photo that highlights the brand vision. Keeping the design simple yet striking is useful. Also, as per size dimensions, a 1584x396 pixels photo should suffice.
  • Language- Enterprises or brands with global audiences must allow multilingual features to engage with their international audience pool. On LinkedIn, brand users can add the tagline, name, and description in one of the available 20+ language options.

After completing the page  accurately, the next step is to share it with the LinkedIn users. To attract more potential consumers and company officials alike; brands need to showcase what they can expect from their business. The B2B marketing team must focus on cross-channel promotion for advertising the company page.

LinkedIn Business Marketing

  • Add And Utilize The Linkedin Buttons.

The LinkedIn buttons are an important tool for brands and marketing experts to improve their LinkedIn marketing strategies. To note, there is a custom button option on the LinkedIn company page for users to share their page with different audiences. On the page, the button typically appears at the top area of the blog or website.

Notably, the custom LinkedIn button can drive a high percentage of users and enhance business exposure. This, in turn, increases the rate of engagement, conversions, and sales.

  • Prepare And Use A Reliable Marketing Strategy.

The next important step for brands regarding LinkedIn marketing is to develop a full-fledged marketing plan. It is important for reaching more consumers and effectively driving web traffic to the website for longer periods. Important points to remember in this context include:

  • Understand the main target audience and analyze if they are on LinkedIn.
  • Consider the buying behavior and interests of the target demographics and the visitors.
  • Follow the pre-set marketing goals, vision, and company objective.
  • In the case of ad-based marketing via LinkedIn, consider how much budget your brand possesses. Statistically, LinkedIn users notice a 28% lower cost of lead here compared to Google AdWords. Yet, it is important to evaluate and set a marketing budget.
  • Post The Content Consistently.

The last step of B2B-based marketing in LinkedIn is to focus on publishing. Here, brand employees should utilize a content calendar and plan the content posting sequences. Indeed, important points to focus on are the frequency of posts per week/month, type of post, and timing.

Here, adding compelling keyword-heavy content and images is useful. Statistically, attaching at least 8 images should boost the content performance with LinkedIn audiences. Also, maintain consistency regarding the post schedule, tone, and theme.



Overall, LinkedIn is a usable platform for reaching more customers and generating leads. For this, planning good marketing strategies and creating a consistent and complete company page is essential.

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