
Lead Generation for Recruitment – Things to Know

Lead Generation for Recruitment – Things to Know

With modern technology, businesses have all the means to improve their company’s growth. One of the most common ways is lead generation. Whether you are in the technology industry or the health industry, whichever niche your business is in, a specialized lead generation for recruitment process for seeking employees is critical for success. 

What is lead generation? 

Generally, it is not only for seeking job applications but also for potential customers who are interested in your goods or services. However, in this article, we will focus more on recruitment leads and specifically how lead generation for recruitment works. 

Before, it was hard to find job seekers without the internet. You would need a printed ad on the posts, newspapers, or via referrals to find the best candidate for certain positions in your company. As technology grows, it is now easier to generate leads from different platforms on the world wide web. Read here for the history of recruitment marketing and learn how it evolved.

Lead Generation for Recruitment – Things to Know

How it works. 

Headhunters are professionals who seek job finders to fill a specific job post. They usually work for a recruitment agency and help different companies to find the perfect candidate for them. Some agencies focus on local job seekers while other agencies recruit both local and international candidates. There are different ways to generate recruitment leads and headhunters choose whichever is the most effective way or ways to stand out from the competition. 

Yes, even recruitment leads have competition. How? It is a matter of getting the best person for your client and fishing that high-quality candidate first before other recruiters find them is a great success. It would mean, you were not only able to add profit to your agency, but you also have helped the company to get the best person for the job. 

Before all the job hires and finding the right person, you will need to know the best strategy or strategies to find the leads you will set a schedule for an interview. You must know by heart the criteria that your client is looking for. 

Unlike before, a headhunter focuses only on one position but with modern recruitment marketing, you will be able to store a pool of applicants who would be prospective candidates for other job posts vacant for your other clients or even for the same client. Know more about this topic at this link:

Lead Generation for Recruitment – Things to Know

What is your marketing plan? 

Before generating leads from different platforms, you will need to first draw your marketing strategy. What are your goals? Who is your target market? How can you attract them and eventually choose your company over others? 

  1. Get a pool of applicants.
  2. Identify and separate the high-quality candidates.
  3. Expand the engagement with the candidate.
  4. Increase brand awareness of the employer.
  5. Acquire more career site guests/visitors.
  6. Use social media to get more applicants.
  7. Increase the rate of offer acceptance.
  8. Diversity candidates must be increased. 

Identify your candidate’s background and personality.

Who is the ideal candidate? You need to browse their profile and read not just the qualifications based on the criteria but also their entire profile or resume. Some of the most common items you need to identify are as follows: 

  1. Educational background
  2. Working experiences
  3. Skills 
  4. Interests 
  5. Age 
  6. Geographic location
  7.  Current job
  8. Channels
  9. Bio

All of this information is critical for your lead generation recruitment strategy.

What are the different lead generation strategies for recruitment? 

Now that you’ve known your goals and who are the ideal candidates for the different posts you are looking for, what are the ways to get them and make them agree to the companies’ offer and disregard other recruiters.

While there is a certain percentage of success for each strategy, it is still best to use multiple or even all strategies to help you get the best leads. Here are some effective plans for your recruitment marketing: 

1. Use Social Media

Social media platforms like LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and other platforms available online have paved the way for job seekers and online headhunters. Especially LinkedIn, as it is purposely intended for professional profiles and most of them use this for their online resume and portfolio. 

Using Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, you can let your followers know that you are knocking on their doors for opportunities for a new job. You can share in these platforms your job ad and direct them to your website. 

Lead Generation for Recruitment – Things to Know

2. Use Job Posting Websites

In addition to Social Media platforms, there are also job posting sites where candidates browse for the dream job they have been searching for. Google has recently added the Google Careers feature where applicants can search job listings that were taken from job posting websites like, CareerBuilder, ZipRecruiter, Jobstreet, etc. When you post job openings to these sites, you earn additional placement in Google search results and giving better visibility. 

3. The never-ending but effective use of SEO (search engine optimization).

With today’s digital recruitment process, SEO is the most popular for lead generation for recruitment. It helps improve your website’s pages so they would appear when a candidate searches for phrases and keywords. You just need to focus on the optimization of searches associated with the headhunting industry. 

It is a high priority to make sure that your job listing page shows up at the top or at least the first page of the search results. Otherwise, you will most likely not be seen and you will surely miss out on the candidates who are high-quality and valuable. 

Identifying the keywords and phrases is essential so that your company is specifically searched or will have high rankings which will make it easier for job seekers to find you. 

4. Use good site content.

SEO is designed to entice potential candidates to go to your website pages. However, it does not end just for them to be landing on your page. You must make sure that the content has compelling details about not just the job post, but also your company. Most candidates look for a company where they can stay for years and offer them stability. 

Your job listing content should explain clearly what you are looking for, what you can offer, and what are the benefits of becoming a part of the company. Like I mentioned earlier, competition is tight, and you will have to make sure that when that candidate lands your page, he or she stays. These tips for lead generation for recruitment can help.

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