
What is SEO? Search Engine Optimization for Beginners

What is SEO? Search Engine Optimization for Beginners

If you own a business with a website, you will want your site to be as visible as possible to people on the internet. This is ultimately where search engine optimization (SEO) comes into play. SEO targets free, direct traffic as opposed to paid or indirect traffic. There are many essential aspects in SEO — if you're just starting to learn about them, you've come to the right place.

Many businesses tend to work with expert SEO companies like Reibar Marketing because they already know how to design SEO strategies for their clients' needs. To become familiar with SEO and how it can help your business, read more below.

What is SEO?

Search engine optimization, or SEO, is the procedure of enhancing the quality and volume of site traffic to a particular website or even a single web page utilizing search engine listings.  SEO aims at organic traffic from unpaid visitors rather than paying visitors or direct traffic. By using Best SEO Tools you can achieve these aims. It also seeks to improve the quality of the customer experience and increase the sales conversion rate. According to a leading SEO company in Galway, search engine optimization is actually one of the most effective and affordable types of marketing a business can invest in.

SEO marketing is a long-term, unstoppable strategy that every business must learn. Without it, and the right SEO strategies, your business will remain unnoticed in the digital world. If you want people to know and engage with your brand online, you have to consider building a solid SEO marketing campaign.

But SEO marketing starts with the basics. Understanding the jargon in SEO can be difficult, which is why resources like this SEO glossary from Matt Jackson are so useful. Once you understand SEO terms, you can broaden your knowledge by learning more about SEO services.

SEO services cover on- and off-page optimization such as:

  • Link building
  • Directory submission
  • Article submission
  • Social media optimization
  • Blog commenting
  • Backlinks
  • Keywords
  • Navigation and user experience
  • Meta tags and titles

Whether it's on or off-page, every aspect of SEO is critical because search engines look at these aspects and then calculate the site's ranking.

What is On-Page SEO?  

On-page SEO works on the technical aspects of your website that can affect your search engine ranking. It encompasses website usability, user-friendliness, site navigation and, ease of use, each of which impacts an SEO campaign's success.

In other words, a site that is usable and user-friendly will likely draw more visitors. Likewise, a site that is easy to navigate and find what it's looking for will likely experience higher conversions. The overall layout and ease of operation of a website have a great deal to do with its success. Remember, a website's setup and operation are crucial to a successful campaign, as even a slight design flaw can cause SERPs to drop.

Besides writing original, well-researched content, another important strategy for on-page SEO is to optimize the meta description. The meta description or meta tags provide search engine spiders with information about the specific page. Consequently, this affects the page rank in the search engine's database. These tags give search engine users an overview of the particular page in a relevant and informative manner. Therefore, good meta descriptions should be written to make readers want to explore the rest of the site.

What is Off-Page SEO?  

Unlike on-page SEO, which deals with elements you control on your website, off-page SEO deals with elements that influence your page ranking that aren't contained on your website. Some off-page SEO methods include social media exposure and other online promotion methods like guest posting and blog commenting.

One of the most crucial components of off-page SEO is backlinks. Backlinks are used to establish a connection from another website to your website. They are vital because they give search engines an indication of the popularity of a website. Additionally, backlinks are a good indicator of the quality of a website. The more backlinks there are to a website, the more popular it is thought to be.

What are Keywords and Why are These Important in SEO?  

Keywords are the direct link between the target customers and the business website. These are essential words relating to your business niche or services, and these are the words people use to find you on search engine pages.

When you choosing your keywords, you choose what people who intend to see your site will type into the search box. If these keywords are highly popular among online users, they will be picked more often by search engines to be included in their results. This is how your site will be listed on the first page of search results. As such, getting listed on this first page will improve your chances of getting more targeted traffic. Additionally, it helps improve your search engine optimization position.

Keyword research is essential for search engine optimization. Doing the right research on your website can help you get a better idea about the different keywords that will improve the visibility of your website. This research can also help you determine the different phrases or keywords that will get the attention of your target audience.

What is SEO?

How Does SEO Help a Business?  

For your business to grow, you will need to attract more people to it. One of the best ways of doing this is to make sure that your site is appropriately optimized for search engines. Here are some ways optimizing your website can help your business:

  • It Increases Website Traffic  

SEO increases the number of people who find your web page. With more prospects visiting your site, you will attract more people who will potentially become your customers. In turn, having a higher number of customers will also affect the success of your business.

  • It Helps Keep Your Audience Happy  

Working on SEO ensures you put the focus on website usability. This means you work on keeping people, customers, and prospects happy and satisfied with your services and website. It considers all the factors relating to your target audience's needs. Including, the target audience, keywords used, page content, internal linking structures, social media networking, and so forth. The primary key to effective search engine optimization is that you balance all factors to ensure a better user experience.

  • It Helps Monitor Your Website Activities  

SEO provides you with key performance indicators and elements you need to monitor to maintain your site ranking. Working on your SEO strategies ensures that you monitor all the activities related to SEO and make timely changes if required.

An SEO audit is a helpful activity that provides a detailed report on what your site lacks in terms of site optimization. Additionally, an SEO audit report will give you information on improving some technical aspects of your site like loading times, quality of links, and navigation.

SEO and data analytics tools, such as keyword finder and domain ranking (DR) tracker, are your best weapons to combat your competitors’ tactics. You can use these tools to monitor your SEO metrics 24-7. These tools have built-in analytics and reporting tools to determine if your traffic is declining or rising and if you have good click-through and conversion rates.

SEO specialists use these tools to help their clients. If you’re too busy with your business, you can hire an SEO specialist from a reputable SEO agency to tackle the job right. Attain your SEO and overall online goals with an experienced SEO specialist monitoring and reporting important metrics.

  • It Helps You Have a Better Understanding of How Your Strategies are Working  

"If you work on different SEO aspects like keywords, you'll learn which keywords are more competitive and generate more traffic. And, if you work with a reputable SEO company, they can provide custom reports. These reports help you to better understand how your SEO strategies are working." - says Lukasz Zelezny, SEO International Consultant at

There are many tools you can use to track, trace and trend your site traffic. This information is critical because you need to know which strategy is worth investing in and which ones need improvement.

Final Thoughts  

There are many reasons why your business needs SEO to succeed. Every company aims to have high search engine results pages rank because it ensures maximum visibility to their target consumers. SEO is not an exact science, and you'll find that most SEO strategies have several elements working together.

Along the way, you'll realize that on- and off-page SEO are both critical to increasing your site rankings. Aside from that, keyword research is a helpful tool to aid you in choosing the correct keywords to increase your visibility online. SEO has a lot of benefits, and it will help your business gain more customers and sales.

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