
How to Increase Your Website Organic Traffic

Traffic to your website is the backbone of many businesses. If you want consistent and growing organic traffic, then a basic implementation of search engine optimization (SEO) will only yield you limited results. As any business should know, low traffic equals low opportunity for leads and few sales. So how do you overcome this?  

How to Increase Your Website Organic Traffic

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 The Details on How to Increase Your Website Organic Traffic

Here are key steps to increase your website traffic and build ongoing successful organic traffic.

1. Define Your Web Strategy and Goals

It would be better if you had a clear and well laid out data-driven SEO strategy in place, this in return, assures you of long-term success with your SEO campaigns, which means you will experience steady gains with your organic search traffic. While it may be tedious to come up with a strategy all at once, The professionals behind Guerrilla Agency say that it helps to understand the benefits of drawing a well laid-out plan with clear objectives and why it’s essential to achieve them with clear milestones. The idea is to set measurable and achievable targets that sit well with your business goals. A web design company can help synchronize your business model with your goals.

Understand that your SEO goals should tie with your company and marketing goals and provide realistic and specific metrics you can work to improve on. To have a better know-how of how your strategy will work out, start with one primary goal for your SEO work, and incorporate two other minor goals. The next move is to categorize them into quarterly, semi-annual, or twelve-month milestones with your end goal. This will help ensure your plan stays on track since all your actions are tied to a measurable goal.

2. Identify Your Target Audience

The most crucial step when looking to improve a website’s organic traffic and rankings is to identify and assess your target audience so that you understand how to attract them. The idea is to analyze which sites are meeting your audience’s needs in search results; this gives you an in-depth understanding of what you can build into your product that will be better and more desirable than your competitors. A tool like Google Analytics provides you with insights to:

  • Your target audience.
  • Who visits your website mostly and what pages they mostly view.
  • Where people get to your website from

To help you understand the few insights listed above, let’s explain them in detail below:

  • Identify who is visiting your site – use demographic data from Google Analytics to identify standard behavior with your visitors and group them into demographics based on location, age, interests, and gender.
  • Analyze the conversion rates – it’s unnecessary to have an audience that fails to sign up, doesn’t actively purchase, or doesn’t engage in any of your listed activities. If this happens, you need to advance your marketing efforts to look more enticing or switch to a different audience.
  • Collect in-depth information about your visitors – after establishing who is visiting your website, gather as much crucial info as you can into the devices they use, their location, tastes, preferences, hobbies, or anything that will help you understand your audience better.
  • Segment your visitors – visitor personas will help you know your specific target audience.

3. Analyze Competitors

Using keywords to research which websites rank higher helps you understand who your competitors are. Your competitors are the websites you will need to outperform. Dive into social media and look into how your competitors are increasing video views on YouTube, gaining followers on Facebook/Twitter, and actively attracting audiences on other forums and networks. It would add a lot if you took note of what forms of advertising they are using and which strategies they use to remain active and relevant. Doing this enables you to build a mental picture of each competitor and gives you insights on how to improve your strategy.

4. Identify and use Long-Tail Keywords

By targeting long-tail keywords, you increase your chances of attracting thousands of organic visitors. You might be tempted to depend only on popular keywords in the market, completely ignoring long-tail keywords. Long-tail keywords include three to five-word phrases that typically suggest that a user is close to deciding on an action or purchasing a product. An example of a long-tail may sound something like “London based wedding photographer” or “dancing lessons in Miami.” Long-tail keywords can be a valuable avenue for increasing organic traffic by helping you connect with potential customers online and help you drive a large number of organic visitors to your site.

By using long-tail keywords specific to your services or products, search engines will identify your website as a potential destination for that particular subject and boost your content in search rankings. This has the effect of helping you reach ideal and potential customers.

5. Start with Captivating Titles

The most critical aspect of content creation is to capture readers’ attention. Headlines may draw readers to your site, and you can as well lose them. Please learn how to create captivating headlines that people will want to click, share on social, and increase organic traffic to your website. 

Statistics suggest that 80% of online users will read your blog post's title but may not bother to read the entire content. This paints the picture on why you need a strong headline, as this will help to increase your conversions. Many marketers use a range of keywords that won’t offer any meaningful use to the actual user. Find winning headlines that will outdo your competitors since you understand your audience better.

6. Grow Your Website Content

Consistency is the primary key to growth in any business. Many marketers struggle to produce enough content as one may assume that the art of creating useful and applicable content is easy; it’s not as easy as it sounds. The more you publish quality content, the more you increase organic traffic to your site. Employ a habit of publishing content as often as you can without losing quality. Understand that this is one of the critical factors to increase your organic traffic. 

It’s also important to remember that before laying out a plan to increase your site content, work on improving your existing web content. Improving your older content means having more authority over newer content since it has been around your site for a more extended period. Here are a few quick tips to guide you when improving existing content:

  • Optimize meta descriptions – search engines receive information related to the context and content of your pages. This information is known as a web pages' metadata. Metadata includes a page title and its meta description, and is the primary key factor for an optimized site or blog page. You need to be aware that metadata information is visible to a user who performs a search on any search engine, so have it optimized.
  • Create useful and engaging content – if the content you put out does not serve your audience’s needs, then it means it’s not helpful and will rank lower in search results.
  • Publish content at least 1x per week. 2x is even better. Posts should be 600+ words.
  • Stand out by having rich content – a lot of content in the online sphere is rich in video, imagery, interactive user elements, such as polls, quizzes, and clickable tools that allow for engagement with your audience.
  • Link your content with several healthy internal links that link to relevant and high-value pages. Some of the pages you link out to may have your target users. This will help boost your search rankings as visitors will tend to stay longer on your site.
  • To get your page to receive authority on a particular discipline, you will need external links from high-quality websites. In turn, they may also link back to your site, helping you attract more customers.
  • Make sure your content is optimized for all users based on different internet-enabled devices. Many marketers fail to optimize their webpages, which results in less organic traffic since their websites aren’t responsive enough to display content.

7. Optimize for Higher Click-Through-Rates (CTR)

The uphill task involved in CTR is that you have to convince searchers to click on your result and forego a competitor’s mark. CTR only benefits you if you optimize it; this means you have the chance of luring searchers to your site, which leads to increased organic traffic. The second benefit is that search engines will be more likely to prioritize your content because of a high CTR. There is no one-way approach to boost your CTR, so follow these steps for improved CTR:

  • Assess which content has a low CTR and organize it.
  • Improve your meta titles to become more SEO friendly.
  • Maximize use of the meta description by including a Call to Action within it. 

Implementing the steps laid out above will help improve and increase your organic traffic. Give your users quality information, advice, and insight.

That’s a wrap on this podcast episode.  What’s the key takeaway for you and your business from these words?

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Why the Halftime theme Mike?

I'm an Indiana Hoosier native where basketball is the top sport. Every team heads to the locker room at halftime to evaluate the first half and create an updated plan for the second half. That plan includes adjustments based on reviewing what worked and what didn't. The "halftime" is a key review point where the game stops, the team pulls away to huddle in the locker room away from the fans, and they come out prepared and ready to succeed in the second half.

That's what this leadership and business podcast is all about, taking the time to pull away for a bit to evaluate, learn, and set some strategies for your business to succeed in the second half. Join me by subscribing and let me be your "business halftime" to help you find great success going forward!

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