
How to Utilize Personalization in Advertising Online

Utilize personalization in advertising online.

The current customer experience is way better than it was decades ago. Fortunately, modern technologies have made it possible for businesses to utilize personalization in advertising online and improve their customer experiences. Personalization is a marketing trend that involves creating marketing messages to suit individual customers. This greatly differs from traditional marketing methods, such as billboards and cold calls, which target the general population.

Unfortunately, despite its perceived benefits, more than 74% of digital marketers still struggle with implementing personalization in their marketing strategies. Even worse, 25% of marketers don't even use personalization at all. However, this is what customers want, with more than 80% of customers saying they prefer doing business with companies that offer personalization.

That said, below are some personalization strategies to implement in your online marketing.

1. Use data to improve customer experience

Data is crucial and forms the foundation of personalized online marketing. However, with continuously growing customer and visitor data, most marketers experience infobesity. This is information overload and the inability to choose the right data for marketing goals. Nonetheless, digital marketers should use the available data to create a buyer persona. Use this to enrich your personalization in advertising strategies while improving the customer experience.

However, remember that not all customer and visitors' data is actionable. Below are key data types for a successful personalization;

  • Demographic data – key data points of customers, including their name, address, email, and title.
  • Behavioral data – shows customer actions when using a website or an app. Collect this by monitoring pages they visit, average time on a website, number of visits, and links they click on.
  • Contextual data – unique visitor properties related to behavior on websites or apps. This can include browser type, device type, and time of day.

Obtain accurate data and improve customer experience by using the right tools. For instance, eCommerce personalization software can help gather data about users’ interests and behaviors. This tool also enables you to create detailed data segments and personalize content, product recommendations, and messaging across all customer touchpoints.

Moreover, this personalization tool allows you to run ad experiments and split tests to determine the best ones that can drive more conversions. Unify fragmented data across all digital channels and manage ad personalization efforts from a single location.

Once the marketing team captures the right data, they can easily make better marketing decisions. Thus, allowing them to create personalized experiences, and improve lead scores.

2. Create personalized emails

The best way to succeed in email marketing is to create personalized campaigns, operational messages, and campaigns that suit unique customer needs and interests. If done correctly, personalized emails can generate up to 6 times more click-through rates, 66% conversion rates, and 3800% ROI.

Unfortunately, achieving these figures isn't easy. Especially since prospects and customers in email lists delete nearly half of opened emails within 2 seconds. This is due to irrelevancy. Customers will ignore and delete emails that they deem irrelevant, salesy, or overly pushy. Your email subscribers want relevant content that addresses their pain points.

Personalization can improve your email marketing strategy in many ways. For instance, you can personalize your emails by using their first names, humanizing your communication, and creating content that solves customers' specific problems.

In addition, you can create data-driven email campaigns in minutes using email personalization software. With this personalization tool, you can make your emails unique to build meaningful prospect and customer relationships. Catch your target leads’ attention and establish trust and rapport with customized email subject lines.

Moreover, predictive email personalization software programs are drag-and-drop builders. You can build email content blocks and modify them even after sending them.

3. Create retargeting strategies

Personalization also comes in handy in creating dynamic retargeting strategies. You can create ads that specifically target visitors who check into your website or online platform but don't make a purchase. This is an excellent way to remind customers of their interests and probably convince them to complete the purchase.

You can also target returning customers with personalized ads. Including customer data, such as phone numbers, email addresses, and other past purchase data, in your remarketing list can increase purchases. Returning customers convert easily since they have previously shown interest in your products/services.

This strategy can help you develop customized messages and ad creatives for each intent-based group. But you can’t do it without the right tool. Personalization software can help with this task by providing accurate data on consumer behavior and other information. Moreover, you can enhance customer experience by creating relevant ad content.

4. Create personalized follow-ups

Surprisingly, only one in every 50 sales is made during the first visit. Even then, the person who buys during the first visit has probably already researched the product. The other 49 might not be ready but are potential customers who can buy once you establish a level of trust and do some convincing.

Convincing customers can be hard, given that most sales representatives only make 2 or 3 follow-up attempts. However, personalization can improve your sales team's ability to onboard and close more sales. Insights from prospective customers' behavior, such as events they register, product demo requests, web pages they visit, and more, can help your team create follow-up messages and emails specifically for them.

The Bottom Line

Personalization enables businesses to capitalize on customer data to offer better experiences. If done right, personalization in advertising online can reduce customer acquisition costs by 50%, improve marketing efficiency by 30% and increase revenue by 15%. Start personalizing your marketing today to see the benefits for yourself.

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