
A Quick Guide To Ecommerce Personalization

A Quick Guide To Ecommerce Personalization

In a world where practically every business has an online presence, it's vital that your company stands out. This means personalizing your brand and your customers' online experiences to ensure that people remember your company and continue to patronize it. To do this, you need to focus on ecommerce personalization.

What Is Ecommerce Personalization?

Ecommerce personalization works by using first-party data and information such as the demographics of your customers, their browsing history, previous purchases, devices used, and more to create a unique-to-them experience that ensures they get the most out of your business’s ecommerce platform. One of the most common methods of personalization is to recognize new users and offer them a discount coupon if they sign up and make a first-time purchase.

Why Is Personalization Important for Ecommerce?

Personalization of your ecommerce platform is important for a number of reasons. First, it increases engagement. Nearly 80% of consumers agree that they are more likely to engage with a brand if it provides them with a personalized offer that reflects current or previous interactions. They want brands to be aware of their journey and provide them with something they need.

Personalization also increases customer loyalty and creates higher conversion rates. More than half of online shoppers say they are more likely to return to a website if it recommends products they will truly use. Almost all consumers (more than 90%) say they are more likely to start shopping with brands that provide relevant recommendations and discounts for them.

Designing a Personalized Ecommerce Experience

Think about your goals for your business as well as your own online experiences to help you determine how to design the best personalized ecommerce experience. Do you want to bring in new business, maintain current customer loyalty, or both? What experiences have you had online? Think about the needs of your customer. For example, a skincare company may offer moisturizing products during winter months that cause people to be prone to dry skin. A home goods store may promote specials for the holiday season or focus on outdoor elements for the summer. Consider how your visitors interact with your website, from the moment they enter the website to how they use your search features.

Using Artificial Intelligence for Ecommerce Personalization

Technological advances in artificial intelligence have made it a common way for business owners to personalize the ecommerce experience for their customers. The most common way to do this is through chatbots. Chatbots are 24-7 helpers that can personalize your customers' experiences by providing real-time assistance. This can mean answering questions about your company, such as the hours of any physical locations, or providing individualized recommendations for products or services. Chatbots can also answer questions about orders that have been placed, upcoming promotions, and much more.

Ecommerce personalization is essential for ensuring that your company continues to thrive in the new age where most people do their shopping via the internet. By implementing customization options now, you create a better user experience and are more likely to gain and retain customers.

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