
How to Keep Your Home Warm - Without Spending a Fortune

How to Keep Your Home Warm - Without Spending a Fortune

Did you know that heating homes account for 45% of household energy consumption? With energy prices increasing faster than the rate of inflation, many homeowners are actively looking for ways to warm their homes this winter without spending a fortune.

And this begs the question: Is it possible to keep your home warm without turning up the heating at all? Absolutely! There are changes you can make to keep your home warm without cranking up the heat. These aren't big changes, like replacing your windows or adding attic insulation.

The most complicated will take only a few afternoon hours and cost you less than $100. We'll take a look at the things you can do to keep your home warm without spending a fortune.

How warm Should a House Be?

To keep your family warm and happy all winter and save on energy bills, keep the home temperature at 68 degrees Fahrenheit (680F). This is the optimal temperature recommended by the US Department of Energy (DOE). Anything between 65 – 680F should do the trick.

How to Keep Your Home Warm Without Spending a Fortune

Without further ado, here are some things you can do to warm up your home this winter.

1. Perform Regular Furnace Maintenance

If you have to turn on the heat, particularly in winter, make sure your furnace is in optimal working condition.

The last thing you want is for your furnace to fail in winter when temperatures are frigid. Regular maintenance of your heating equipment ensures it operates at peak efficiency. Your local ARS Rescue Rooter specialists can inspect your heating system and provide the maintenance needed to keep your furnace running strong.

Combine regular maintenance with the recommended insulation, thermostat settings, and air sealing, and you could see a 20% savings on your energy bill.

2. Hook Up a Humidifier

Moist air holds heat more efficiently than dry air. This means that a sufficient amount of humidity during the winter months can keep your home warmer and more comfortable, reducing the energy required to continually replenish indoor heat.

So, how do you elevate humidity levels in your home?

A humidifier can do the trick. Humidifiers are devices that add moisture to the indoor air by releasing steam into the air to increase humidity. Besides keeping your house warmer, a humidifier will also protect your skin from winter's dry climate.

And the best part? You can snag one for as little as $100, though a premium whole-house humidifier can go as high as $2,000.

3. Insulate

Insulation is an excellent way to prevent warm indoor heat from escaping through the walls, roof, and windows. Insulating your home doesn't need to cost a fortune. An inexpensive way to insulate your home can involve the addition of:

  • Rugs – Uninsulated floors account for up to 10% heat loss in a home. Adding rugs to wood, tile, and laminate flooring can combat this, acting as an insulator to retain heat and keep your feet warm.
  • Insulating Curtains – Insulating curtains are an inexpensive way to guard against heat loss. These curtains are usually made of high-density foam that minimizes thermal exchange. You can hang these curtains on windows and sliding glass doors to decrease heat loss.

4. Install a Programmable Thermostat

Consider replacing your old thermostat with a smart thermostat. These devices allow you to set different temperature schedules throughout the day because you don't need to keep your home at 68 degrees around the clock.

Besides keeping your home warm at all times, programmable thermostats are a real money saver. You can choose a low-end setting when you're asleep or away and go with a higher setting when around, and save up to 20% of your bills.

5. Ensure Heating Vents are Open

Be sure all the heating vents are open, and nothing is blocking the airflow, like furniture, window treatments, dirty laundry, or other debris.

When you position your furniture away from vents and radiators, you allow heat to circulate freely throughout the house. Blocked air vents make your furnace work harder than it should, increasing air pressure in the ductwork, which can lead to cracks.

Wrapping Up

Every homeowner's dream is to keep their home warm and cozy throughout the year. You don't have to splurge on heating equipment to make it happen. There are cheap and natural ways to warm up your home and keep your heating costs down.

As winter approaches, start the season out right with routine maintenance of your heating system, then take the necessary steps to trap heat, like insulating the floor, unblocking the vents, and investing in a good humidifier.

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