
How to Find and Hire the .NET Developers for Business Needs

How to Find and Hire the .NET Developers for Business Needs

If you are planning on building any kind of IT product for your professional needs, chances are high that at some point you are presented with a task to find and hire a .NET developer. The popularity of said framework only grows year by year. With the great variety of its features, you can achieve virtually any goal with .NET help. But because of all-time high demand, finding an expert in this field can be pretty challenging. Use this guide to help you in your journey.

What is .NET

First, let’s talk about what the .NET framework is. It is an open-source multiplatform tool designed and supported by Microsoft. Since its creation in 2002 .NET has been widely used by software developers all around the world. They use it for building mobile, desktop, cloud, machine learning, and web applications, sometimes even games. .NET framework supports a great number of programming languages. It can also be implemented in both front and back-end development.

Why choose .NET

There are many advantages to using .NET in your app’s development. As we mentioned earlier, because of the great functionality and amount of coding languages available in this framework, you can achieve almost anything you planned in terms of features. The cost of labor for IT professionals with .NET expert knowledge isn’t cheap. But, using them is budget-friendly because you won’t have to search for developers fluent in any particular programming language. Because of a well-thought framework created by one of the biggest IT companies in the world, the development process also will be a lot quicker. This will cut costs considerably too.

Among other major reasons to choose .NET for your future app’s development are improved scalability and overall performance. Security is a major concern for every business owner. However, with this Microsoft framework, you can be safe from most data leaks and different vulnerabilities. The company always releases patches that solve any newly detected security problems.

How to hire a .NET developer

We talked about the positives of using the .NET framework in your product, but what about the negative sides of it? If we don’t take into account some little details and matters of taste, the main disadvantage is the high demand for tech professionals with great knowledge of .NET technology. It can be a headache to find an experienced software developer who isn’t occupied with other projects at the moment and even if you are successful at your search, their salary can be pretty hard on your budget.


When you firmly decide to hire .NET developers for your project, you will need to do some research and planning beforehand. Because of the enormous variety of tasks, you can complete with this framework, just searching for IT professionals without anything specific in mind will be pointless. You need to know a preferred programming language, the app’s core features, the platforms it will need to run on, and other technical details. Because of .NET’s impressive functionality and scalability it is really easy to start with a basic strip-down application and gradually build upon it.

Actively Search

When you have a clear and engaging job description, you can start looking for developers. Passive search when you just post on some sites like Linkedin and across social media in hope that the perfect candidate will contact you, probably won’t work in this case. Expert .NET software engineers are always in demand and rarely search for employment. Of course, you still can try this approach to improve your chances.

Consider Your Budget

If you are working on a really tight budget, of course, you will probably go to sites for freelancers. There you can find some really cheap workforce but of course, you can’t get any guarantees on quality and timeline. Despite some obvious disadvantages of this hiring option, you can still find some decent freelancers for short-term tasks or small portions of code and save a little money in the process. After all, the number of .NET developers is at an all-time high, so you won’t be limited in your search, it is just a matter of time spent.

software developers


Another great option to find the right developers for your business needs is looking in professional communities at sites like Reddit, GitHub, or StackOverflow. There you can find candidates with different levels of experience, see examples of their code, get links for their social media and easily contact them with a proposal for partnership. Also, you can attend offline and online professional conferences for .NET specialists.


If you still can’t find a perfect developer by yourself, you can hire an IT staffing agency and their recruiters will help you. But with costs of labor for experienced .NET developers being already pretty high, paying the agency’s fee can be hard on your budget. Another great option is an outsourcing vendor. They also charge you for their services, of course, but they will provide you with IT professionals from different countries and this will be great for your budget.

If you are located in North America or Western Europe, you know how much .NET software developers charge. In Eastern Europe, Latin America, or South Asia you can find tech talent with the same level of expertise for two or even three times less money. Of course, remote hire can be not ideal for some people but just think about hiring a full-stack senior developer with great knowledge of both back and front-end development technologies, who can serve as tech lead for your team, for a salary you will pay a junior developer from the USA. Most of the time, it will be worth the risk.

Final thoughts

.NET framework is a really great tool for app development on any platform, but finding and hiring IT professionals who can get the best of it can be really challenging. Thankfully, with outsourcing becoming a really popular hiring option, you are not really limited to any location and can find a perfect candidate for your budget in any place on earth.

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