
Facebook and Instagram Social Media Updates Through 5/10

Facebook had their big, annual F8 Conference this past week where they announce new features and things coming in the year ahead. As usual, lots of new and interesting items.  This was particularly a big year as Facebook had suspended the new app program for a time after the Cambridge Analytics data fiasco.

Facebook Dating

“This is going to be for building real long-term relationships alright- not just hookups,” said Mark Zuckerberg at the annual F8 Conference.

Facebook is adding an opt-in dating feature which will allow single people to create a profile that their friends can’t see. Not much else has been released on what the dating feature will include but it has already caused a stir for online dating.


While this isn’t really business related per se; if they have ads in the dating app then restaurants, concerts, and other date spots may have an easy audience.  For Facebook and businesses, it’s about keeping people on Facebook and being able to deliver ads to the right target audience. The more Facebook “places”, the more ad options.

Augmented Reality/ Virtual Reality

Augmented reality continues to become a bigger thing in the social media world and it’s only going to get bigger. Currently, users can do many different kinds of selfie filters, but new features will be rolling out to Facebook, Instagram, and Messenger to include “tricks.. like fill a room with liquid or add virtual steam to a real cup of coffee.” An example is a company such as Sephora can use it as a way to virtually allow people to try on makeup, or Nike can use it as a way to give a 360° close-up look of shoes to help in the buying process.


What does AR mean for you and your business? Keep your eyes open and keep learning about’s coming!  With AR you will be able to easily create content with drag and drop elements. This will allow you to expand the way you market and promote products on Facebook, Instagram, and Messenger. Customers can get a better idea of how your product looks (like Nike) and even test it out (like Sephora) before purchasing.


“There are 300k monthly active bots and this year alone, more than eight billion messages have been sent between people and businesses each month.” That is just a mind-blowing number!  With Facebook’s Messenger now able to be embedded on your website, the bots will be getting even more messages. This will also allow you to continue chatting with the prospective customer even after they have left your website.

Facebook also announced “in-Messenger” translation is rolling out slowly starting with English/Spanish, enabling auto-translation of messages and helping business/customer conversations and connections.


This is huge in allowing businesses the ability to keep in contact with the prospective customer via Facebook Messenger even on their business website.  It’s Facebook getting into the “website chat” arena. You will be able to send messages that could ultimately turn that prospective customer into a real customer.  With the addition of translation, more barriers are removed and the world becomes a closer place!



Video Chat

Lots of people use Instagram’s live streaming, and now Instagram is adding a group chat video feature to live stream. This allows the user to be able to video chat to select individuals. This is another way that Instagram is expanding to connect people together.


Coaches get ready to do some live coaching on Instagram. This chat can be used for interview shows on Instagram or teaching to a small group.  It’s opening up a whole new way to train and interact with customers and your community.

Bio Links

Frustrated with only being able to have one bio link on your Instagram account? Well, there are tools out there that you can use to add links to your profile to generate traffic. Five tools for increasing your bio links are Linktree for Instagram, Leadpages,, Link In Profile, and Short Stack.


“If you frequently publish a lot of content and want to keep your audience updated, adding multiple Instagram bio links helps ensure your audience can quickly find your information.” Having multiple links in your bio also helps increase the opportunities to drive your audience to other accounts, blogs, videos, podcasts and more without causing you to change your bio link everytime you want to promote something new.


So that’s a quick wrap on some of the key updates in the social media world the past two weeks!  I’ll be back with another wrap-up in two weeks to keep you updated. Any of these social media updates really stand out to you or raise questions for you?  Let me know!

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