
Facebook F8 2019 Social Media Updates Through May 9th

Last week, Facebook had its annual F8 conference. I will highlight some of the top updates and new features that they discussed will be coming this next year.  Let’s dig in on these Facebook and Instagram social media Updates...

F8 2019 Facebook

In Facebook news at the F8 conference, it was announced that Facebook is getting an updated design that will be simpler and faster. Updates to the mobile app should be rolling out now, (I have them!) while the desktop update will come in the next months.

Facebook also announced that it expanded the countries for Facebook dating. Facebook dating allows people to opt-in and discovers potential matches within their communities. With Facebook Dating, Facebook is adding a new feature called ‘Secret Crush.’ When you opt-in this new feature allows you to discover potential romantic relationship within your own friend groups by adding friends to a secret rush list and if you both have each other on your list then it’s a match. Just another way Facebook is working to connect people.

Soon, shipping will be available on Facebook Marketplace in the U.S. This will allow people to reach more buyers and getting paid securely from anywhere. In addition, this summer Facebook is launching a new Events tab that will allow people to connect to receive recommendations, find local businesses and a place to make plans with friends.

Why It Matters

Facebook is taking steps to enhance the user experience on Facebook by focusing more on Stories along with finding new ways to connect people within communities and around the world. It is the most used social media platform and is important for most businesses to utilize. Facebook wants to keep users engaged and this will help.

There is often so backlash from those that don’t like change when Facebook makes a design change.  Expect it, but know that Facebook won’t go back, only forward as they see fit.

F8 2019 Instagram

Top items discussed at F8 2019 for Instagram include:


We talked about this before, but now it is actually here! Instagram now has a donation sticker in Stories that allows eligible nonprofits and supporters to raise money on Instagram! Just go to add a sticker in Stories, add the donation sticker, search for the eligible nonprofits, and start raising money for causes you support!

This week Instagram rolled out ‘Shop from Creators’ which allows people to link to items in their post and people can go directly to the product and buy it all in Instagram. This feature is very exciting as it represents one of the many ways Instagram is expanding its e-commerce efforts, particularly via influencer marketing.

Instagram will also be updating the in-app camera allowing them to be more ways for people to express themselves with creative tools, stickers, and a ‘Create mode’ that allows you to post a story without a video or an image.

Why It Matters

Instagram is the social media platform for images and videos, and it is the new “Facebook”, meaning it’s the darling that is on a steep growth curve.  Instagram is continuously expanding the ways to use its service. With new stickers for donations and the ability to shop directly from tags on photos, Instagram is becoming a great platform for influencers and companies focusing on e-commerce.  We need to find ways to explore and potentially utilize influencer marketing.

F8 2019 Messenger

Facebook’s Messenger has over 1.3 billion active users making it one of the top platforms for messaging and advertising. Within the next year, Messenger will have its own desktop app expanding the potential uses for the messaging app.

Want to watch a video with all of your friends? Group video viewing will be another feature coming to Messenger within the next year. Friends can share a video to watch and message about. This feature is building more ways to communicate and engage with video on the platform.

It will be easier for businesses to connect with potential customers on Messenger with their new and easy to use templates for Ads Manager. It can help businesses build ads for Q&A along with booking appointments.

Why It Matters

Has your business utilized Messenger? It’s not right for every business but has great potential for businesses that need to set up an appointment, want to interact with customers for questions, and also is a great place for advertising. As Facebook expands video opportunities so does Messenger allowing friends all around the world to watch a video, show, or just have a chat.  Setting up Chatbots in Messenger to help answer basic questions and greet visitors immediately is also growing and something to consider exploring.


That’s a wrap on F8 from Facebook!  Keeping you up to date with the new features and changes coming to Facebook, Instagram, and Messenger!

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