
Ensuring Top Performance: Elements to Consider Prior to a Magento Code Audit

Ensuring Top Performance: Elements to Consider Prior to a Magento Code Audit

Does your Magento eCommerce website deal with common issues such as frequent crashes, bugs, and slow load times? Or are you concerned about the potential problems you are expected to encounter before launching your new Magento store? If yes, don’t be concerned anymore! A Magento code audit of your website may be the solution.

Now, in case you are unsure about the specifics of a Magento code audit and how it can boost your website's performance, you have come to the right place! This detailed blog post will provide you with a brief overview of the audit process. It includes the key areas it covers to ensure your site operates optimally. So, let’s get started:

What is Referred to as a Magento Code Audit?

A Magento code audit is a technical audit carried out to evaluate the quality and health of your site's codebase. It involves assessments of the entire database, third-party extensions, and core files.

As a result, it helps in detecting possible issues that are impacting the performance of your website. To carry out such a comprehensive audit, all you need is to hire a Magento developer.

A certified and experienced Magento expert will provide you with a detailed report. Furthermore, it will inform you about your site’s code quality, functional concerns, critical security vulnerabilities, and performance barriers.

In the long run, it is going to prove highly beneficial for you as it aids in optimizing the performance of your site. It even allows you to take necessary actions based on the problems you may be dealing with.

Importance of a Magento Code Audit

In the present times, Magento is one of the most popular eCommerce platforms because of its user-friendly interface and attractive set of features. Due to this reason, a lot of online business owners these days prefer to hire Magento developer for their project requirements.

This platform mainly runs on codes utilizing PHP. Furthermore, every front-end functionality of it is supported by pertinent codes, especially at the back end, which aids in the smooth running of the site.


Magento is also loaded with several extensions that can be perfectly tailored to suit the distinct requirements of your stores. It further adds to its complexity. However, one should refrain from installing too many as it could lead to disaster.

There are even chances for the bugs to slip through the cracks. It may lead to frustrating glitches that may hamper the user experience. You might be unaware of these concerns until it is too late, which may expose your site to severe damage.

So, from this, it would not be wrong to say that the functionality of your site hugely relies on its extensions and code. It generally acts as a building block for your online store. Thus, if these functions do not occur appropriately, everything will fall out of place. Ultimately, your site is going to suffer.

It is where a Magento code audit becomes necessary. It is a great way to discover and address areas in your codebase that require attention. Thereby, it helps in preventing any considerable damage.

In case you observe any of the below-given indications, it is always best to immediately hire a Magento developer:

  • Interface errors
  • Broken links or unresponsive tabs
  • Poor site speed, which leads to a drop in sales
  • Unauthorized warning messages
  • Reflecting error messages
  • Frequent site crash
  • Running on an outmoded Magento version

4 Things to Check During a Magento Code Audit

1. Performance Optimization

You need to optimize your website's performance as it helps boost conversions. The main reason behind this is that a slow-loading website results in a poor user experience. Thus, leading to lost sales. The code audit carries out an analysis of the codebase to look for areas to optimize for performance by:

  • Utilizing minified CSS or JS versions
  • Database optimization
  • Image optimization
  • Eliminating irrelevant 3rd party extensions
  • Inspecting cross-browser compatibility
  • Reducing needless database calls
  • Executing configured caching
  • Reducing page load time
  • Avoiding typical code customization

2. Security Vulnerabilities

Security is one of the most important aspects to check for while carrying out a Magento Code Audit. Hackers always look for security vulnerabilities in your store to steal sensitive customer data and gain unauthorized access. A few security vulnerabilities that are typically covered under code audit incorporate the following:

  • Secure Communication
  • 3rd Party Extensions
  • Code Vulnerabilities
  • Remote Code Execution or RCE
  • Password Policies
  • Server Misconfiguration or Server Security
  • Cross-Site Scripting Attacks, or XSS
  • SQL Injection Attacks

Always keep your Magento site up-to-date to deal with all these security concerns. Also, install and review security patches as soon as it is released to prevent any known vulnerabilities from being exploited by attackers.

Don’t miss implementing HTTPS throughout your site with relevant SSL certificates. These establish secure communication between the server and the browser. Additionally, utilize SSH password authentication.

Therefore, regularly carrying out code audits helps discover vulnerabilities that may arise from code customization. Finally, ensure that all the 3rd party extensions are vetted before the installation.

3. Code Quality Review

Code quality is another significant area to cover under a Magneto code audit. It involves checking your 3rd party codes, theme, and Magento module codes. If your store is running on codes written poorly, it is most likely to deal with downtime because of bugs, performance concerns, and security vulnerabilities.

Consider checking the following points to ensure that your site has the highest code quality in place:

  • Modularized codes
  • Consistent naming conventions
  • Best-in-class coding practices as per Magento coding standards
  • Utilizing trusted 3rd party extensions and apps
  • Compatibility with 3rd party extensions and custom codes

You can rely on Magento 2 migration services to find any further discrepancies in your code. They will mainly make use of PHP Code Sniffer for this. Your auditor may even consider refactoring CSS if they observe any redundancies and inconsistencies while reviewing your theme code.

4. Database Integration

Auditing your database to improve its security, efficiency, and speed is also extremely important. With its aid, you can discover any potential vulnerabilities that may set holes in your website for attackers.

Make sure to hire a Magento developer to carry out the code audit process. They will ensure the following:

  • Control redundancy
  • Normalize the database to improve security and flexibility
  • Upgrade your website to the most updated Magento version
  • Stick to proper indexing
  • Closely check security features and find out potential breaches on the most recent versions

Magento provides a SWAT or Site-Wide Analysis Tool to carry out a thorough checkup of the health of your store. It conducts a performance analysis of your website and finds problems to develop the best solutions according to industry standards.

Final Words

So, regular review of the capabilities of your website plays a key role as you aim to scale your business. It will help you to withstand any security threats and updates. Carrying out periodic code audits will help you to detect any underlying concerns that require immediate attention.

Thus, opting for Magento 2 migration services is highly recommended in this regard. They will audit your database and codes to ensure that your website is under optimal conditions.

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