
Can UV-C Disinfection Help Businesses Stay Open?

Can UV-C Disinfection Help Businesses Stay Open

Over the past two years, the COVID-19 outbreak has changed life in almost every aspect, including shopping. While many businesses have successfully served their customers online, some have had to quickly adapt to rigid cleaning and disinfection protocols to protect their customers and employees.

Whether you own a grocery store, a bakery, a pharmacy, a small specialty store, or an outlet, keeping these spaces disinfected and germ-free should be of topmost priority.

While masks, hand sanitizer dispensers, and capacity restrictions are all valid safety measures, they are not sufficient barriers. To combat the pandemic’s threat to public health and appease anxious shoppers, more and more businesses have begun using UV-C disinfection in their premises to welcome back their customers and employees with even more confidence.

What Is UV-C Disinfection?

UV or ultraviolet light is a type of electromagnetic radiation that divides into three bands using wavelengths: UV-A, UV-B, and UV-C. Out of these three, UV-C light is the most powerful and dangerous. Due to its shorter wavelength, UV-C light can target the DNA of microorganisms, causing cells to die.

UV-C technology is not new. Since its discovery in the 18th century, it has become a necessary disinfection method in various industries. In small and controllable amounts, water treatment plants, food manufacturing facilities, and hospitals all use it. However, the deadly consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic have caught the public's attention to the germicidal properties of UV-C light.

If we want employees and customers to return to business premises confidently, they must be able to trust that the surface they touch is free of deadly pathogens. Pandemic or no pandemic. This is where UV-C technology can make a real difference. If used at the correct wavelength during the right amount of time, UV-C light can kill up to 99.99% of microorganisms in seconds.

How Effective is UV-C?

Furthermore, studies have proven it to be highly effective against all pathogens tested to date. This includes SARS-CoV-2, the virus causing COVID-19.  This indeed is excellent news. If UV-C can help us against COVID-19, the hope is that it can protect us from other deadly viruses, too.

We understand that traditional disinfection methods have been used for centuries. However, the truth is that even the most rigorous cleaning with bleach and hot water can overlook harmful and life-threatening germs, dirt, and grime that find new ways and places to sneak in. This is why UVC light disinfection is a much more effective alternative. It kills bacteria the second the light touches the object while reducing our dependency on chemical and toxic disinfectants.

As a result of this research, the use of UV-C technology is only going to grow.

Due to its popularity and effectiveness, the market is flooded with false UV-C cleansers, of which most are of low quality or fake, putting our lives at risk.

So, which brand can you trust?

In our search for innovative solutions to keep your employees and customers safe, we came across the uRay from Wolven Industries.

How Can the uRay Help Businesses Remain Open? 

Founded in 2018 by Mike Norton, Wolven Industries is a defense engineering firm that develops technology to repair, protect, and prepare families against modern-day threats. To meet the needs of the hour, Wolven Industries’ team of physicists and engineers has developed a powerful UV cleansing device. This device helps to disinfect surfaces in a matter of seconds.

This handheld, battery-powered, rechargeable, and LED-based surface disinfection device uses the strengths of UV-C. The innovative safety features maximize the intensity of bacteria-killing radiation in a safe manner.

Unlike the low-quality UV-C devices in the market, the uRay comes with the highest-quality UV-C LEDs available on the market. It also integrates distance and motion sensors to ensure safety. The device also contains a special reflective sheet that focuses 90% of the UV light on the target surface. Thus, increasing the intensity of the radiation.

Not only is the size convenient for consumers to carry in their backpacks, handbags or larger pockets. But, it is also great for use by business owners too. Businesses can use the uRay to easily disinfect ATMs, grocery store keyboards, incoming packages, public toilets, frequently touched surface areas, and more. This on-the-go device can minimize the spread of pathogens and maximize safety.

While we know that some businesses are installing UV cleanse portals that irradiate people as they walk through, the low doses are unlikely to be effective enough. Therefore, they do not effectively eliminate viruses or prevent transmission. Furthermore, health safety and the effects of long-term exposure to low-potency UV-C light are not well researched yet. Thus, need to be better understood.

Final Words

Without a doubt, UV-C disinfection will give your staff and customers an extra layer of confidence and safety. It will not replace the act of wearing a mask or using hand sanitizers and cleaning products. However, it's another layer of safety and protection against harmful microbes.

Many businesses across the world are incorporating this method into their disinfection practices. Are you?

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