
Camping as a Corporate Retreat: How to Make It Happen

Camping as a Corporate Retreat: How to Make It Happen

If you are trying to come up with an idea for your next corporate retreat, then you should certainly consider camping. It is a great way for people to get away from technological demands, deadlines, and the hustle and bustle of nature. Such an escape can give everyone the opportunity to unwind, bond, and tackle things with a new perspective. Of course, planning such a retreat can be tricky – here are some pointers that you can use:

Consider Your Location Carefully

Before you decide where to have your camp, think about your employees. If you do live in a concrete jungle, there is a good chance that many of the people in your department or company have little to no experience with the great outdoors. As such, you may not want to choose a place that is too remote or isolated.

Instead, look for a happy medium. While there should be plenty of fresh air and nature, look for somewhere that may be located to a small town and offers a few creature comforts. This way, people can push their boundaries without feeling overwhelmed.

Stock Up on Necessary Items

You may imagine that you only need the basics like a sleeping bag and tent per person for your camping trip. Now, while the basics are important, don’t forget to take items and tools that can make the retreat easier and more comfortable as well.

If you force people to only get by with the bare necessities, they will end up pretty miserable. However, splurge on a firepit or a Woods wagon to help carry their belongings from one place to another and you will discover just how much more people will enjoy themselves.

Pack Everything into a Short Trip

A day or two in the wilderness can be fun as it is still a novelty. Any longer than this, though, and it can become a chore. Due to this, try to keep your trip short – an overnight trip with everyone heading home in the morning. This can be an especially great idea if you are planning this during the weekend and don’t want to impose on your employees too much.

Have Consecutive Activities

As your camping retreat is going to be pretty short, you can plan for back-to-back team building activities. After all, you don’t really have much time to waste. When choosing these activities make sure that they are meaningful and effective. You don’t have to go by the book – it is far better to have activities that will actually benefit your department and company.

Leave the evening free for your employees to have fun, however. Prepare a good meal, encourage a sing along or simply exchange funny experiences or even tell a ghost story or two. This should help to create a nice balance between corporate and fun, giving you the best of both worlds.

These are the top tips that you should consider if you wish to plan a corporate retreat that doubles as a camping trip. It can be a little tricky but follow the right guidelines and the process will become much easier.

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