
Best Ways of Providing High Level Cybersecurity for your WordPress Site

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Cybersecurity is a growing global issue today. As technology grows, cyber-attacks become more sophisticated and challenging to address. Having the tools to address these evolving issues is paramount.

We are defining cybersecurity as the tools, methods, and technology used to protect digital networks, programs, data, and tools - both software and hardware - from digital attacks and damage. For WordPress blogs, cybersecurity may come in various forms:

  • WordPress plugins
  • Cybersecurity WordPress templates
  • Tools or framework used to build the website, like react.js for WordPress

React.js WordPress sites are among the popular WordPress sites nowadays. Read here to know how to best utilize React js and create secure React.js WordPress sites.

Why Your Online Experience is at Risk

WordPress accounts for 90% of hacked and compromised websites. A strong example of the consequence of having weak security is the Yoast SEO incident, where the use of a plugin led to the storage and indexing of user passwords. Another example is the case of the Bot that attacked a large number of WordPress websites.

Weak security makes your website vulnerable to cybersecurity attacks which can lead to extremely damaging effects. Notable effects are the compromised private user and client data, data leaks, and unauthorized data mining or retrieval. These effects damage the relationship with the client and their trust in the website. Recovering from these damages can also be costly and can lead to either massive fixes and refactoring or starting all over again.

Vulnerabilities of WordPress Blogs Security

Areas of vulnerabilities with WordPress blogs are from mostly plugins, accounting for 98% of reported issues, and the rest (2%) are from core WordPress features and functions. Among the vast number of security issues that come up, there are the most prevalent and problematic security issues and attacks on WordPress blogs and sites.

Most Common Attacks on WordPress Sites

1. SQL Injections

These attacks mostly target database-driven websites and applications and usually happen when web applications or websites allow users to execute SQL queries with insufficient security in place. This lack of security leads to databases being compromised, with data removed or leaked to the public, and provide the intruder highly proprietary data. These attacks compromise both your data and those of your clients and users.

2. Malware Attacks

Malware attacks happen when malicious software programs gain entry into a victim’s computer and perform activities without their knowledge. These malware attacks not only sabotage the affected computer or system but can also spread and sabotage other programs and websites. These attacks can come from different sources, such as ransomware, spyware, and adware, and are encrypted making detection a challenge.

3. Brute Force Attacks

Unlike the other types, brute force attacks are carried out by using numerous iterations of access information to gain entry to a system. Bots are the more common tools used in executing such attacks as these do not have limits to the number of attempts they can make in WordPress or the possible combinations of access information they can use.

4. Web Server  and OS Attacks

These threats come about when mistakes are made or security is lax when executing OpenSSL. Attackers gain access to the database and essential information stored at hosting servers and operating systems. Some of the well-known vulnerabilities under this category are Shell-Shock and HeartBleed vulnerabilities.

5. Cross-site scripting (XSS)

These are the most prevalent issues with WordPress plugins. Cross-site scripting happens when attackers can force the victim to load or execute web pages with unsecured or infected scripts. These can be used to access and overwrite session or website information.

Providing Cybersecurity for WordPress Blogs

These cybersecurity attacks can seem never-ending, but there are ways to mitigate the risks of exposure. As the saying goes, “Prevention is better than cure.” Having measures in place to counter such attacks reduces the chances of exposure, and strengthens your website’s defenses.

Ensure secure and safe hosting

Where you host your website is essential. Your server is your data repository, serve as your gateway to your online platform. Your server needs to be as secure as possible. Choose a hosting space where you have your own server space, not sharing with other sites. You increase the possible entry points for cybersecurity attacks when you share server space. Consider hosting sites with Dedicated Hosting when searching for spaces to host your websites or WordPress blog.

Strengthen access security

Your first defense against cybersecurity attacks is a strong, unique, and robust password. WordPress is designed to be convenient and user-friendly, making the log in simple and easy. This simplicity makes it easier for attackers to take advantage of weak passwords.

As a user, you should create passwords that are not easily associated with you or your activities. You should also regularly change your password, as often as every 2 or 3 months. For WordPress Administrators, endeavor to use plugins or features that add to your security layers. Features such as 2-factor authentication, actionable password strength reports, and configurable password generators are highly useful. Ensure that strengthening and maintenance of access security is a priority in any cybersecurity framework for your clients and websites.

Use quality and reliable plugins

Majority of cybersecurity issues from WordPress blogs and websites come from insecure plugins. Plugins are great for websites. They enhance the features and functions of websites, its usability, and customizability of a website. Choosing the best plugin for your website is a challenge given the vast number of WordPress plugins available in the market today.

You must review the security measures in place for the plugins, as well as the security they provide your website. Look at positive and negative plugin reviews and feedback. Look at the most recommended plugins across various reliable reviewers and tech sites. Do your research first before selecting the plugins for your website. This will lessen your issues once you have it up and running.

Regularly update your tools and methods

Regular maintenance of your security is needed. This means ensuring that the plugins, features, and other tools that you are using on your website are up to date and are working optimally. This ensures that your tools have recent tools and fixes that address security issues. A software like WP Umbrella can help you to manage and update your WordPress website easily.

This works similar to vaccines and illnesses. We take medications or vaccinations to address or prevent illnesses. We are then constantly bombarded with the virus. The virus itself evolves over time and eventually overwhelms the medication. Our bodies also end up acclimating to the virus, which makes the medication ineffective. We are then tasked to change or upgrade our medication. This is so we can better address the illness or virus plaguing us.

Improve and enhance your knowledge

Technology evolves, just like cybersecurity attacks. Reviewing tool updates and other similar or related tools is necessary. It is important to learn more about the tools that we are using and how to better use and optimize them

We can learn more about tools such as cybersecurity WordPress templates that offer convenient security measures for our WordPress blogs and sites. Other tools such as React.js for WordPress blogs also provide new avenues in building our sites with our WordPress core react.js-ready.

Educate others

We should also share the knowledge that we have with others. What we experience and learn is securing our websites can be helpful to others in the same situation. Information such as:

  • Cybersecurity tool information
  • Performance metrics
  • Security quality
  • Tool optimization

Are some of the information that website owners, developers, and WordPress administrators will find useful. You should pass it forward. You might save others a lot of grief.

Shore Up and Strengthen Your Defenses

As attacks become more sophisticated, you need to be prepared and secure your websites. Your data is not the only one at stake, but your clients’ and their trust in you as well. Having strong defenses reduces the chances of needing strong offensive mechanisms to fight off the effects of these cyber attacks. Know your website and its security needs.

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