
Useful Tips for Developing an Android App

Almost everyone on the planet currently owns a smartphone. Of the billions of smartphones used, about 80 percent run on Android software. Android software makes it very easy for users to use their devices. It also offers an excellent platform for developers to develop applications since it is an open-source platform.

Virtually every mobile app developer wants to develop a powerful Android app that will solve a common problem. These developers are always looking for more knowledge and resources to make better apps.

Useful Tips for Developing an Android App

Every developer faces different challenges when developing an application. However, the following are valuable tips that will help anyone developing an Android app:

1. Lock Down Your Name Space

Unfortunately, many Android app developers do not consider the name of the app to be that important. Nothing could be further from the truth as applications like WhatsApp have become an embedded part of our culture due to their names.

Therefore, one of the first things you should do is decide the name of the app and reserve it well in advance. If you want to release an Android app in the future, you should reserve the app's name because that is what your customers will identify you by.

Moreover, Google's app market will use a unique package name by which they will use to identify your app among thousands of apps. It is vital to book your namespace to avoid any replication.

2. Understand Android Design Guidelines

Google has created a set of guidelines to help Android app developers when they start their journey. These guidelines are commonly referred to as Material Design.

There are many tools to help app developers online. However, the Material Design guidelines might be the most important for app development, as they will help developers from the beginning to the end of their app creation journey. Google prepared these guidelines so that all Android apps can have the same feel and behavior while simultaneously offering a consistent UI/UX. If you do follow the guidelines, your app users will be able to swiftly grasp how the app works and enjoy it even more.

3. Research and Listen to Your Users

A grave mistake that most Android app developers make is designing and creating an app as if other developers would use it. If you want to create a valuable app, then you need to design it for the user. You should conduct market research well before the app creation process. Ensure you understand what the user needs and would want in an app like yours. You should then develop the app along those lines.

Only by being diligent and listening to the feedback from users can you create an app that people will get value from and enjoy using. Even when you finally release the app, please read the reviews to know how to fix and improve it.

4. Understand Market Fragmentation

It is improbable that you will develop an Android app used by everybody, no matter how good it is. As an Android app developer, you should understand the app market demographics and how it is fragmented.

Android devices have different features and capabilities, which you should consider when developing your app. You should also decide if your app will be a paid app or a free one. It will help you define how you will make money through your app.

You should comprehend the market to know to whom you will market your application. Understanding the market fragmentation will also influence how you design your app, from the layout to the fonts and features.

5. Develop an App for Multiple Devices

Android App

As stated above, most smart devices on the planet run on an Android platform or operating system. Therefore, when creating an Android app, you should do it with the assumption that it will be used across a wide variety of devices.

Unfortunately, you can't test how your app functions on all types of devices. So, when designing your app, you should ensure that it will function on as many devices as possible.

For example, if you want the app to have consistent graphic quality across various devices of varying sizes, you should use density-independent pixels. Android software will then automatically calculate the right amount of pixels depending upon the device's screen size.

There are many tips that an Android app developer can use in such an involving process. The above tips are only the tip of the iceberg and are the simplest of them. However, they should suffice to get you started and on your way to making a fantastic app.

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