
7 Top Tips For Amazing Business Growth this year

7 Top Tips For Amazing Business Growth In 2020

If you're looking for amazing business growth this year but you don't know where to begin then don't worry, you have definitely come to the right place. Whether you're looking to increase your customer base or you want to focus on profit, it's important you're taking all of the right steps to grow your business this year. Whilst it may seem difficult at first, there are lots of amazing ways for you to see incredible growth within your business. With that in mind, here are 7 top tips for amazing business growth in 2020:

- Set SMART Goals And Targets

One of the best ways to ensure business growth in 2020 is to set yourself smart goals and targets. Whether they’re goals that you want to achieve by the end of December or they’re goals that you want to achieve over a number of years, you need to ensure you’re writing them down. When you’re writing goals, you need to ensure they’re smart. 

S - Specific - you need to have a detailed end result in mind

M - Measurable - you need to specify numbers 

A - Attainable - it needs to be something you can achieve (yet, still a challenge)

R - Relevant - they need to be relevant to your business

T - Time Based - you need to have a deadline in mind

For more information when it comes to SMART goals, you can visit this site here. If you'd like to learn how to set SMART goals with template, check this site here.

- Focus On Your Social Media Platforms

Another great way to ensure you have great business growth this year is to focus on your social media platforms. Although you may already be using a number of different channels, taking the time to work out what your customers like and how you can use that to your benefit using social media will change the way in which you use your platform. Once you understand your audience and have a clear goal in mind, social media can be a great sales tool. For a guide to using social media to sell your product, you can visit this site here. You also need to focus on growing your network on LinkedIn.

- Ensure You're Creating Regular Content For Your Website

When it comes to growing your business online, creating regular content for your company blog is important. Whether you’re sharing industry updates or you’re sharing tips and tricks when it comes to your products, the more content you’re sharing the more visibility your brand will have. Once you’ve written your posts they are the ideal content to share on your social media platforms. If your target audience relates, chances are they’ll share them too. 

When it comes to writing posts on your website, you also need to ensure you’re thinking about search engine optimisation. Although it can be difficult to get the hang of, it’s a great way to ensure you’re showing up in search results. 

- Start Building Your Dream Team

Although the thought of bringing team members into your business can be scary, having a dream team is the perfect way to grow your business in 2020. Hiring people can be incredibly expensive but nine times out of ten they end up paying for themselves in terms of the time they give you. 

- Sign Up To A Business Directory

If you want you business to grow but you feel as though you’re doing all that you can, why not consider signing up to a business directory? With a directory available for every industry, you will be able to list yourself as a professional business. Not only will this get in front of potential clients, but you may find people that are able to collaborate with you on a professional level. 

- Increase Your Budget When It Comes To Marketing

Marketing is an incredible tool and if you’re not putting enough budget into it, this year should definitely be the year this changes. Whether you’re looking at pay per click advertising or you want to start creating video content, the more money you’re putting into your marketing budget the better. 

- Consider Publicity And Press

Finally, you might want to consider looking into how press and publicity could help you. Whether you’re looking to feature in a national newspaper or you want to appear on TV, researching public relations could be a great start. 

Do you want to grow your business and achieve success this year? What can you do to ensure your business is at the forefront of your mind this year? Looking for more resources? If so, check out this guide to small business smart goals and more by

Did we miss anything off the list for business growth this year? Let me know your thoughts and ideas in the comments section below. 


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