
5 Tips for Handyman Business Owners

Handyman Business

If you are looking to start a handyman business, or even if you have already started your own business, there are a few things you can do to help your business run more smoothly. We've put together a list of five tips to help get you off to a good start and set you up for future success.

Get Licensed and Insured

Getting licensed and insured is very important. Not only will it make you look more professional and trustworthy to potential customers, but it will provide you with protection in case you get injured on the job. These may seem like daunting tasks, but they're not that bad. To get your license, you'll just need to fill out a few forms for the state. Business insurance will cost a few hundred dollars a year, but it is well worth the protection it provides. Be sure to select a company name you like before applying since it's harder to change it after the fact.

Use a Lead Generation Service

When you're first starting up, it can be challenging to find new customers. Utilize Networx leads and similar lead services online to help you build a client base. Once you start getting more customers, people will share their positive experiences with friends and family. Therefore, working as referrals. Lead generation services will cost a little bit of money, but you won't make any money if you don't have any customers.

Set Up a Website

Next, set up a website for your handyman business. This doesn't have to be too elaborate, but it will allow your customers to learn a little more about your services. You can use your website to go into a few details about the different services you offer. Additionally, you can post some pictures to show examples of the high-quality work you perform.

If you're nervous about setting up a website, you can always hire a professional to do it for you. If you don't want to spend the money on a professional, many hosting companies also offer drag-and-drop website builders. These make it possible for people to create an attractive website even with no website experience.


Don't forget to advertise your services and develop some name recognition for your handyman business. There are many advertising options, including Facebook ads, running ads in local newspapers or newsletters, setting up signs by major intersections, using Craigslist, or even leaving flyers on doors. The money you invest in advertising can easily be made up once you get a few new paying clients.

Purchase Tools and Materials as You Need them

Power tools can be expensive. Rather than running to the store right away and purchasing everything off the shelf, try to buy new tools as you need them. This will allow you to spread out the expense of getting new work equipment. Thereby having less of a financial burden.

If you're the owner of a handyman company or the soon-to-be-owner of one, we hope you've found these tips to be helpful. Starting a new company can be a challenge. However, if you follow our advice and think through your actions, you'll be running a successful company in no time!

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