
5 Resume Tools for Job Hoppers With Employment Gaps

5 Resume Tools for Job Hoppers With Employment Gaps

Hiring and firing is a very time-consuming and expensive process. In fact, one study found that it costs $4,129 to hire a new employee, and it takes about 42 days to fill a position. 

Because of this, most recruiters don’t want to hire someone who they think is going to quit in three months. Therefore, if you’re a job hopper or have gaps in your employment history, it can sometimes be a red flag to recruiters. 

Luckily, there are tools you can utilize that will help you put a positive spin on your job-hopping and employment gaps. Check out this guide to discover the top five resume tools for job hoppers with employment gaps. 

1. ResumeBuild

ResumeBuild is one of the best tools out there for job seekers with employment gaps. 

This tool allows you to choose from a number of different templates to create a professional-looking resume. Best of all, ResumeBuild also offers plenty of tips and tricks on how to create a standout resume, so covering employment gaps will be a breeze. 

2. Zety

Zety is another great tool for job seekers with employment gaps. The site claims that you can use their resume builder to create a resume in as little as five minutes. 

In addition to offering plenty of resume templates to choose from, Zety also offers resume examples that you can take a peek at. You can use these examples to generate ideas on how to account for your employment gaps. 

Zety also offers a cover letter builder. With their cover letter builder, Zety can help you spin your job-hopping into something positive. 

3. Hemingway App 

While Hemingway App isn’t a resume builder, it’s still a great tool to have at your disposal when putting together your resume. 

As a job hopper, employers already tend to be wary about hiring you. The last thing you want to do is make a grammatical error on your resume, as this gives employers an easy excuse to say ‘’no’’ to you. 

To make sure you’re sending in error-free resumes, you should first run your resume through the Hemingway App. This app checks not only for grammar errors but also for general readability. 

4. Indeed 

Landing a new job is hard for anybody. Landing a new job as a job hopper is even harder. 

To make the job hunt process a little easier, we suggest checking out Indeed’s resume tool. Not only does Indeed offer a resume builder, but they also allow you to share your resume on their site once it’s completed. 

The more visibility your resume gets, the better chance you have of getting hired. While not every employer is keen on hiring a job hopper, some employers are okay with it. The best way to find these employers is to give your resume exposure on a site like Indeed. 

How to deal with gaps in resume

5. Hloom 

As a job hopper, a good summary statement can really make all the difference. That’s where Hloom comes in. 

Hloom offers a variety of summary statement templates. These templates can help you compose the perfect summary explaining why your job-hopping days are over and why you’re ready to commit to the next job. 

Additionally, Hloom offers other standard tools that will help you complete the other sections of your resume. 

As you can see, there are a lot of different tools out there that job hoppers can make use of. If you have any questions about these resume tools, comment below. Otherwise, good luck with your job search! 

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