
3 Real Examples of How to Reply to Negative Customer Feedback

Most businesses don't have a clue how to react to negative customer feedback. Negative audits, left by unsatisfied clients, present a significant issue for pretty much every company. When clients leave a negative audit, it's an indication of broken trust. It seems like an accusation. A declaration expressing that your business didn't deliver as guaranteed.

In the modern digital playground, many have built up healthy disbelief toward positive reviews. Instead of assessing the possibly phony five-star review, they check out a couple of moderate to terrible reviews, expecting a more reasonable reputation of the item or the company's service, which is one of the reasons why it is essential to monitor your online reputation.

The vast majority of businesses aren't prepared to get negative criticism. It usually leads to a quick shoddy response that can be misread. Would it be advisable for you to react? And if this is true, what's the ideal way? Let's take a look.

1. Recognize the Issue and Apologize

In the first place, we should not shrink away from the real issue. Repeat the client's concern, so they realize you comprehend what precisely happened. Follow your explanation with an official statement of regret.

You don't generally have to accept the fault as though the client's response to the experience was your issue; however, you should give a legitimate apology for how it caused the client to feel.

3 Real Examples of How to Reply to Negative Customer Feedback

In this illustration, the owner appreciates the client for their criticism and clarifies their after-hours policy, recognized the call was missed, and showed how they would address the circumstance. They also apologize for neglecting to react in an ideal way.

2. React Quickly

Perhaps the most concerning issue organizations face is neglecting to react to negative customer feedback rapidly enough. Also, it's justifiable. You have a whole checklist of things to attend to. You have workers who become ill, shipments that come in late, and many flames that should be put out every day. One awful review probably won't be your biggest priority. But it should be.

Negative Reviews

When you're notified of a negative review, put 5 minutes aside to address it. If you put it off for excessively long, it makes your apology appear to be dishonest. Since most online negative reviews are date stamped, clients can know how long it took for you to reply.

3. Move the Situation Offline

Not often can you resolve a commentator's awful experience because of your sympathetic online response? Truth be told, trying to fix everything in one online reaction can frequently accomplish more damage than was intended.

Instead, expect to take the discussion off the internet. Give contact data, including the name of a particular organization agent, if possible. Doing so shows your responsiveness to criticism and moves the power dynamic by transforming a big company into a charming one-on-one experience. It additionally shows that your organization pays attention to customer support enough to have somebody responsible for dealing with their issues. Below is an example:

"If you're available to talk about this further, kindly call us at (874) XXX-4567 and request to talk with Terry, our General Manager. We'd greatly value the chance to make things right and work toward earning back your loyalty."


Negative reviews present a chance, and more often than not, clients simply need their concern tackled or need your sympathy when they've felt ignored.

If you overlook their negative remarks, you're showing yourself as a company that couldn't care less about your clients.

Besides setting aside the effort to work with your unsatisfied clients (and in some cases getting them to change a bad review), when you receive positive reviews, you can balance the harm done. Requesting and getting positive audits with email review petitions or instant messages can give you positive promotion from the previously unhappy clients.

Tell us how you plan to address your organization's negative customer feedback in the near future.

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