
Why Do Websites Get Hacked?

Why Do Websites Get Hacked

Website hacking has become an increasingly regular occurrence in the digital age. Nowadays, certain people exploit vulnerabilities in websites to steal sensitive information, launch attacks, or hold the site for ransom. There are numerous reasons why websites might be hacked, and understanding these reasons can help website owners. Use the tips from industry experts like Mitigate Cyber, to take the necessary steps to prevent such attacks. Below are the most common issues that allow hackers to access your website.

Weak passwords

Weak passwords are probably the most common entry point for hackers. After all, it’s like having a weak door with no lock on. Passwords that are easy to guess, or that use common phrases, are easy to hack. Especially when using automated tools, or in some cases even with some basic guesswork.

Business owners need to enforce password policies that require all users to choose strong passwords. Or, consider the use of autogenerated passwords with random characters, letters, and numbers.

Outdated software

Websites require regular updates to fix bugs, patch security holes, and introduce new security features in response to the latest attacks. Out-of-date software versions tend to be more vulnerable to attacks. If you haven't started investing properly in your software, implementing new ideas like VoIP and SIP trunking, checking whether your software has round the clock protection, then you’re going to fall behind when it comes to your website protection. You need to be able to ensure that your website is fully operational and that means it cannot be hacked - at least, it cannot be hacked easily. Thus, hackers can exploit known vulnerabilities to gain unauthorized access. Thus, website owners should update their software on a regular basis. This makes sure that they’re protected from the latest vulnerabilities.

SQL injection

SQL injection is a type of attack that involves injecting malicious code into an application, in this case, a website. People can use SQL injection to steal sensitive information, such as credit card numbers, or to manipulate the website's data. Therefore, website owners need to take steps to prevent SQL injection attacks in a number of ways. This includes validating user input and using parameterized queries to interact with the database.

Brute force attacks

Brute force attacks involve using automated programs that repeatedly attempt to guess passwords until they eventually guess the right one. This type of attack can be successful if the website's password policy is weak, or if the attacker has access to a large database of passwords.

However, website owners can take steps to prevent brute-force attacks. Techniques include limiting the number of login attempts that can be made, enforcing strong password policies, and using multi-factor authentication.


Malware is a type of malicious software that can infect a website with the intention of causing a range of damages. Hackers can use malware to steal sensitive information, monitor user activity, or even modify the content on a website. However, you can prevent these kinds of attacks by regularly scanning websites for vulnerabilities and installing anti-malware software.

Insider threats

Finally, insider threats are attacks from individuals who have authorized access to the website. These attacks can be intentional or accidental. The individual may have malicious intent, or they may accidentally compromise the website's security.

Mitigate the risk of these attacks occurring by limiting access to sensitive information. Do this by monitoring user activity, and regularly reviewing access logs so that you notice these risks as soon as possible.

While there are a lot of ways that hackers can gain access to a website, there are also a lot of ways to protect against these attacks. In addition to the steps above, regular security audits and vulnerability assessments help website owners to identify potential security weaknesses before it’s too late.

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