
How To Hire App Developers Without Getting Burned

How To Hire App Developers Without Getting Burned

Finding the right app developers for an app project is not as easy as many business owners think. Unlike hiring for different roles within your company, if you make a mistake of hiring the wrong developers, it’s a guarantee that you will lose a lot of money as well as time. Thankfully, there are ways to prevent yourself from getting burned. 

Here are some tips on how to find an app developer who understands what you need and who can see your vision clearly:

Does The Developer Have A Website?

When you need a custom app made for you, you begin your search online. Find reputable websites of freelance developers or companies who are well-known for the quality of their work. You can take a look at what the company has done, how they do their work and read reviews about the work they have completed for other clients.

Look at their Google My Business review and Linkedin profiles. While reviews can be manipulated, you wouldn’t like to be dealing with people who are not running a legitimate business. Online research would help you uncover if their identity is true and if they really are reputable app developers.

You Need A Legally Binding Contract

You will need a legally binding contract that gives you recourse if the developer does not do the job properly. You can sue the developer if they take your money without completing the job, and you will have a firm contract that allows you to get your money back. Have a lawyer read through the contract to make sure that you’re getting a fair deal and you are provided with custom development services based on what was stated on your contract. 

Ask App Developers To Show You Ideas

Before you tell the developer anything, you should ask for their opinion about your business. You can ask them to learn what the business can do to help people and provide fresh ideas that are not influenced by your vision for the company. This is a very big part of the process because you do not want to make the developer feel as though they need to please you. You might like the developer’s ideas more, and you can use those ideas as you move forward.

Share Your Vision With The Developer

You can explain to the developer what you want out of your app, and they can begin adjusting their ideas to meet your needs. A good developer will let you know what they think you should do with your app, help you create an app development plan and will recommend cost-saving measures without insisting to begin the development phase if you’re not ready yet.

Ask The Developer How They Test Their Apps

The development process should begin with a framework and a few versions of the app that you can test. You can try each part of the app so that the developer knows what you like. Plus, custom app development allows you to ask for simple adjustments on design and features during the process.

Once these adjustments have been made, you should make sure that you see the finished product. You can test the app, and you could ask your staff to take a look. You can even send the app to your most loyal customers for testing.

You can also hire a third-party tester that will make sure that the app works, that it is secure, and that it will not crash when you perform too many functions. If your app has not been tested properly, you will not get value for your money. Likewise, if developers encounter issues during the testing phase, they should communicate with you and don’t leave you in the dark so you can make informed decisions.

Ask The Developer How Much The App Costs

Apart from the costs based on the app estimate, You should ask the developer how much the app costs, and you should see this price in the contract. The contract makes it clear that you are paying the right price, and you should ask the developer if there are any costs you can cut. You should negotiate with every developer, and your custom mobile app development should not exceed the budget that you have set for your company.

You Need Updates

When you hire app developers, you need to get updates done by the experts. The developer that you have hired should update the app as much as possible. In some cases, you can ask the developer to tell you when you need an update, and based on customer feedback, you may roll out some changes within the app from time to time.

A reputable developer will be able to let you know when they have found security problems, and they will show you what can be done to prevent security and data breaches that may involve senstive customer data. 

You Need A Manager Who Gives You Advice

When you hire a developer, they should give you as much advice as you need. You can check in with these developers once a month to learn what they need. Plus, you should ask the developer what they think your best options are for the future. You can have a chat with the developer about why you need to keep up with trends in the industry, or you could explain to the developer why you do not want to change.

If you want to sell things through your website, you should make sure that you have hired someone who has experience with eCommerce. The developer can build a website that is easy to use, and they will explain to you how you can add or subtract items from the site or app. This means that you can link the two together, and you can take total control over the app when you are working every day.


In order to avoid losing your money or getting a bad product, you can use the tips above to choose good developers. You can pick a developer who knows precisely what to do for your business, and you will avoid issues with your app going forward. You can test any new features that you need, or you can turn to a developer who will upgrade an app that someone else made.


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