
GoFundMe Adds Team Fundraising Feature


GoFundMe Team Fundraising is a new feature from the team at GoFundMe. This feature provides groups of any size the ability for their members to fundraise for a common cause. As a result, this makes it easier for schools, clubs, churches, sports teams, and other groups to collaborate and raise funds together for personal or group needs.

While introducing the new tools, GoFundMe CEO, Rob Solomon stated:

“Before the launch of this new product, when a community sports team, church, school, or any other group was looking to raise money together, their options were limited. Most times they had to go with offline methods which take a lot of time and resources to plan and successfully execute.

“With the launch of GoFundMe Team Fundraising, all that is changing. Groups now have access to an easy to use social fundraising solution to maximize reach and success. We’re not taking away offline options, but we’re giving our communities another option to consider; a faster, easier, and more efficient option. Whether you’re an individual, nonprofit, or a team, this new tool makes fundraising success a lot more feasible.”

The Platform is Tested and Proven

The GoFundMe organization revealed that a limited number of groups have already used the team fundraising feature. They have used the function behind the scenes to test its effectiveness.

“Already, several team campaigns have been run on the new platform to tremendous success,” the company reported on their portal. “Groups of all sizes, including sports teams and school clubs attending national events, local communities initiating a movement, and colleagues rallying around a cause they’re passionate about, have had the chance to test out the Team Fundraising platform.”

People can convert from an individual to a team GoFundMe organizer.

“In addition to reaching new markets, organizers are can to start or convert to Team GoFundMe initiatives. Invite people to join your group and access the new Team Fundraising tools. Many people have already tested these features. They’ve created new teams with families and friends. Then rally together to fundraise for everything from medical emergencies to memorials and tournaments.”

Key Features on the GoFundMe Team Fundraising Platform

First and foremost, organizers and participants, in general, get to enjoy the same powerful tools that have made GoFundMe the successful fundraising platform it is today – including fast and easy set-up, exemplary customer support, social sharing tools, and 0% platform fees.

Here are other features to look forward to:

Invite Teams of All Sizes

GoFundMe Team Fundraising allows organizers to invite existing team members (from their sports teams, clubs, and organizations) or create a new team (comprising family members, friends, and colleagues, among others) to collaborate on a project. Groups can consist of as few as 5 members or as many as 500+ members.

Manage the Team

Organizers get access to a special dashboard where they can create the team name, monitor donations, and streamline communication.

Motivate with the Live Leaderboard

Use the live leaderboard to incentivize team efforts. In addition, you can show the amount raised by each team member and challenge members to compete for the number one spot.

Assign Responsibility

Each member of the team will have their name and photo published on the campaign and can directly post links and thank donors. As well, each member also gets a unique URL link to share the campaign far and wide.

GoFundMe has answered the call from their customers, “give us a platform that all of our team players or band members can use to raise money for one issue /cause”. We’re excited to see all the good in the world that will be accomplished because of this GoFundMe feature.

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