
Tips For a Successful Social Media Marketing Campaign (+ Content Creation Tools)

Successful Social Media Marketing Campaign

Everybody is on social media.

People share, buy, watch, and basically live on social media in their day-to-day routines. Around 53% of the entire global population is on social media. They are not to blame if they get engrossed, though, because social media brings them many benefits. They can communicate better, news arrives faster, and you can buy things easier. When you realize that many people want to buy products and acquire services through social media, why not boost your business?

What Is Social Media Marketing

Social media marketing takes a product or service and advertises it online.

It is very self-explanatory, its concept is simple, and it feels like it has been a part of our lives for as long as we can remember. That is a testament to how prevalent social media marketing is, and with the recent covid-19 pandemic, social media has only become more engraved in people’s lives. With 42% more people using messenger apps, 54% watching more television shows, and 35% playing video games. It only makes sense that businesses take their prospects where the money is, and social media is brimming with opportunities to expand and capitalize.

Importance of a Social Media Marketing Campaign

People are shifting towards social media as a means of communication, leisure, and business. It is global and s accessible to any human being who has a phone. So, imagine having the entire world as your market? That is made possible through social media. It can make your brand’s visibility skyrocket. When you realize that 54% of online users use social media to browse products, putting your product online will automatically gain more traction than when it was not on social media. Moreover, having a social media marketing campaign is also cost-effective for your business since transactions will mainly be electronic, and you can advertise for free.

Yet it is not all peaches and cream just yet, because having a proper social media marketing campaign is needed. If you blindly go in not knowing what to do, then you will be confused as to why the promised benefits that social media can have for your business have not been met. 82% of social media marketers repurpose their content when they enter a separate social media platform, so you can expect that you will need a lot of prior studies before you enter this ordeal.

We have listed the best tips you can use if you plan to launch a social media marketing campaign.

Tips For a Successful Social Media Marketing Campaign

  • Set your goals

As with most things in life, you first must know where you are going before moving. Setting goals will remind you what your priorities are and help you accomplish your tasks. It may be simple, but never overlook a simple goal-setting session with your team.

If you ask us, you better employ S.M.A.R.T goals, which stand for specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound. This will help create realistic goals that are specially adjusted to the circumstances you find yourself in.

  • Audience comes first

Social media’s many perks extend far and wide, but one of the best ones is how easily you can keep track of your audience. When it comes to social media, a specific audience gathers all on its own, and social circles are everywhere and can be identified through surface-level observation. However, the goal is to create strong customer relationships. Since the demand of online users is so high, they can not resist a business that caters to their needs. So, study their demographics such as age, income, or interests to have a glimpse into how you can provide for them properly. You can even use many social media tools such as pools, comments, and reviews to study how you can improve your business or even model your business, to begin with.

  • Know your competition

This may be a cliché, but always study your competition if you want to learn how to get ahead of them. Social media marketing is a war, and you want to be in touch with your opponents so that you can study their strategies and whether or not it is working. They are competing for a reason. You both are trying to gain the attention of the same group of people, so looking at how others perform will help you adjust your performance.

  • Create Infographics

Your audience wants to know the numbers of your business - how it performs, what products are the best-reviewed, and whatever information they can use to evaluate your business correctly. You need to satisfy this need, and creating pretty and organized infographics will surely be a booster in sales and reception. There are a bunch of online tools to help you with this.

  • Make the most out of emotions

People like a good tearjerker, right? Or maybe have a good laugh or even tug at their nostalgia bone. Yes, content that appeals to emotion will surely reel in more and more engagement from all kinds of audiences. I am sure you have seen at least one sad Thai commercial in your life, that stuff sticks by you. That is because they successfully created an ad that strongly appeals to parts of ourselves that we are not quite in touch with. So, gathering stories and learning what mementos or elements can make people emotional is a great way of advertising with a purpose and making audiences aware that you are a business that they can feel somewhat safe in.

  • An incentive for the occasion 

If there is anything to get people smiling, it is to give free stuff. Yes, it is a simple psychological trick, but it can do you a lot of favors. Showing your audience that you can be kind will give them more reasons to be invested and updated with your business, looking out for the next promo or reward you will put out there. Whether it is Christmas, Easter, or birthday promos, being able to satisfy them with simple acts of kindness will keep you engraved in their memory and is a guaranteed way to build customer relationships.

  • Be one of the funny ones

Nobody wants to hang around the boring ones. Social media is a party, and you want to be someone who only contributes to having a great time. Posting memes, having funny captions, or engaging with whatever trend is currently ripping through your audiences will allow your business to feel more open and audiences like a business that can participate with their shenanigans. 

  • Have a look at Instagram

As far as social media platforms go, Instagram has the greenest pastures. It has influencers, reels, videos, photos, and the largest ad spending amongst the social media giants. It even outperforms Facebook, the platform with the most members, since Instagram has ten times more engagement than Facebook. Fair to say, Instagram is a haven for business opportunities, so take a look at how you can dig in and learn how to properly post Stories, get a business account, and utilize hashtags to find your audience.

Tools You Can Use For Social Media Campaign

1. Text Blaze

social blaze

With social media, you will need a lot of constant messaging and dealing with the same questions from different customers. If you are running a business, of course, people will be curious about what you have to offer. So if you want to have excellent communication skills, a passion for service, and an endless amount of energy, of course, you need consistency. Text Blaze can help you achieve all of that. Text blaze can be on the work roll whenever you need it because it is an extension that keeps snippets of prevalent sentences and responses that you give out on social media. So, with every two or three similar questions, it can help automate the response that a customer needs without you having to be there. It is definitely a helpful tool if you want to keep up with customer service and focus on other things.

2. Pixelixe


Many graphic design tools are available, but what makes Pixelixe better than the rest? Well, it is because Pixelixe knows that you may operate on a bunch of social media platforms and that these platforms require different dimensions for their visuals. The solution? Pixelixe offers automatic resizing of your designs. Now, you do not have to go through the tedious process of resizing and editing your design into each possible dimension. That already saves you a generous amount of time, and coupled with a powerful editing tool and easy-to-navigate interface, Pixelixe can be your best friend in your social media marketing campaign.



When you are in the process of creating a good visual for social media, you may find yourself needing to remove a thing or two to make it as pretty as it can be. Sometimes, you may even need to remove the background if you need singular elements or replace the background with something better. With, you can turn this hour-long process into five seconds. Its advanced software leaves no space for mistakes when removing the background. Thus, helping you achieve the desired look you want for your visual.

4. DesignStripe

DesignStripe social media marketing campaign

If you want a taste of professionalism when it comes to your graphic design, then Design Stripe is the place you want to be. A global team from Argentina to Australia has created software that offers hand-drawn themes. These suit teachers, scientists, paleontologists, dentists, and any other professional occupation. It has a user-friendly interface that is easy to navigate and understand. If you want a flexible editing tool, then Design Stripe has it. You can explore all the possible looks you can give to your website, accounts, and blog pages. Then, experiment with what suits you best. So, get experimenting with Design Stripe!

5. DrawKit


Draw Kit is a graphic design tool from the future. With vector capabilities, endless icons, pictures, and 3D designs you can choose to incorporate on a 2d template, possibilities are endless with Draw Kit. So, if you want to draw in both audiences from the past, the current generation, and even future ones, Draw Kit can help you. Start to create visual designs that can please all the markets you will be serving in your business.



Never miss a millimeter of hair again when removing backgrounds with In fact, do nothing at all because will do all the work for you. Just give it your graphic, identify the center or subject, then have your results in 3-5 seconds. It is as close to magic as you can imagine, and it will save you time while giving you the quality output you expect.

7. Icons8 Mega Creator

Icon8 Mega Creator

If there were a tool that knew social media, then it would be Icons8 Mega Creator. Social media is all about first impressions. Getting that lead, click, or like will make or break your business, so every little detail should be impeccable. With Icons8 Mega Creator, you can create the best stories, headers, cover photos, and thumbnails you need. Icons8 has templates for whatever social media platform you operate on. With a thousand templates to choose from, you will never be repetitive or stale. Create the most personal yet most endearing designs that can get people to your business in no time.

8. AI Writer

AI Writer

If you want your account and business to stand out even more from the competition, you will have to mind how you handle yourself in the writing department. Captions, descriptions, banner text, you will need a lot of writing since you want to be a communicative business. So, if you want to create quality writing even though you are way too busy for it, then AI Writer has the software you need. AI writer has advanced AI technology. This allows it to take a short prompt or even just a sentence and turn it into long blog posts or captions. It learns SEO, rewords text, and ensures a uniqueness that avoids plagiarism. It is a shortcut to excellent communication and writing quality. You are guaranteed to be better off with it.

9. Pixelied

Pixelied social media marketing campaign

Being boring is the one thing you should avoid in social media. It is an automatic red flag if your business has tacky web design. Or, weird color combinations, and zero charisma in visual design. With Pixelied, you can fix all that because it has all the needed tools. With background remover, templates, and filters to keep a theme going, this powerful editing tool has all the editing options you can think of. It also offers collaboration if you want a team to maximize creative input on a project. Indeed, your graphics will never be boring again if you employ Pixelied.


Social media is rapidly taking over the business world, and most if not all of your competition is already settled in and working towards their prospects. If you want to kick it up a notch and be in their league, you must study the psychology behind your market. Consider the customer behaviors you will be tagging to create the highest quality product possible. Employ the best tools, work with the best people, and be the best version of yourself. This will show that you know how to handle your business, whether it is digital or personal.

Shelly Author’s Bio: Shelly Solis is the CEO and co-founder of She helped grow the online monthly traffic of a background removal company to 400,000 in just four months as a content marketing consultant. She is currently working with SaaS companies, providing services like SaaS SEO, content writing, content marketing, and guest post outreach.

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