
The Complete Guide To Creating Compelling Webinars


Compelling Webinar Guide

Many companies have discovered the power of webinars to reach out to their target market. As a result, compelling webinars have become a staple in branding and marketing strategies. But most first-time hosts realize that this type of online event isn’t easy to do.

If you want to use live online events to boost your business, here's a guide to creating compelling webinars.

Step 1: Select The Appropriate Topic

If you want to host an online seminar, you need to find a topic that falls under your field of specialty or industry. Also, it should be something that your target market would be interested in and benefit from. An exciting topic plus a well-thought-out funnel campaign using tools like Facebook webinar ads will surely boost your webinar ROI.

The topic selection process can be challenging. But don't worry since there are online tools that you can use to help you out. You can pay for an app or create a free survey on your website to see what topics your visitors are interested in. Remember to check out other sites in your industry and study the reviews and feedback from their audience.

Step 2: Determine Your Objective

After you've come up with a topic, the next step is knowing what you want to achieve with your webinar. An excellent way to do that is by asking yourself why you need to host webinars in the first place. Some of the reasons that you might come up with are:

  • Boost your company's online visibility
  • Know more about your customers
  • Attract a broader audience
  • Establish your company's brand or trust
  • Market to your clients in a convenient and affordable way

Step 3: Create Magnetic Content

When it comes to webinars, you’ll find it easier to create content you're an expert in. Without a doubt, you can come up with an educational webinar that contains tips and tidbits your target market will appreciate.

But how do you spice up your webinar so your audience will interact and have fun while learning? Below are some ideas that can help turn your online event from blah to whoa:

  • Create an appealing title
  • Use materials, such as videos, photos, and fonts, that are interesting
  • Ensure consistency, especially if you have different speakers
  • Utilize clear and understandable language
  • Stay away from jargons
  • Incorporate jokes, anecdotes, and hilarious facts
  • Encourage audience participation through polls, games, and question-and-answer portions

Guide To Creating Compelling Webinars

Step 4: Make An Outline

For your online event to appear and feel professionally made, you must follow a tested outline. An excellent structure will provide a fluid presentation that's complete and easy to follow.

Below are must-haves for a well-structured webinar:

  • Welcome address that acknowledges your audience and signals the start of the webinar
  • Brief introduction of your speaker, company, and your topic
  • Presentation or the body of your webinar
  • Final thoughts where you underscore the main points of the webinar
  • Q and A portion to engage with your audience and clarify details of your presentation
  • Call-to-action so you can bring your audience to visit your website or buy your products

Step 5: Pick A Webinar App

You need reliable webinar software that’ll help you host a web-based event that can accommodate various presenters and a vast audience. This platform must be user-friendly so you and your attendees would, as much as possible, not encounter difficulties in making the app work. Also, look for additional capabilities such as notetaking, screen sharing, chat room, and whiteboard features.

Step 6: Do A Test Run

A few days or hours before the event, it would be an excellent idea to do a test run so you and your team will discover possible issues with your presentation. These may include color schemes, sounds, slides, and other essential aspects to make your webinar compelling.

This dry run is also a good time to coach the speaker on how to pronounce words, insert pauses, look at the camera, and engage the audience. Practicing and doing dry runs will give you and your team members confidence, especially if it's your first time hosting an online event.

Step 7: Learn and Improve

After the webinar, it's always a great idea to ask for feedback. You want to know what your audience thought about your content, visuals, sound, and guest speakers if any.

Although it would be heartwarming to receive rave reviews, it would also be beneficial to process negative feedback. Comments from attendees will help you improve future webinars and other types of live online events with your target audience.


A webinar is a great tool to add to your online marketing arsenal. However, you must ensure that it's compelling and informational for it to be effective. Good thing that you don't have to reinvent the wheel since there's already a blueprint that you can follow to create compelling webinars that your audience will love.

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