
SMS Marketing Trends for Small Businesses

SMS marketing on mobile phone.

SMS is arguably the most underrated marketing channel. For one, over 80% of the world’s population own a mobile phone, whereas only 40% own a smartphone. Better still, mass SMS text messaging services have a much higher ROI than any other digital marketing strategy.

Check out this Tech Jury study if you’re in doubt. It shows that 75% of consumers prefer to receive promotional messages through text. If you’re wondering, the average open rate stands at 98%.

Feeling moved? The following 2022 SMS marketing predictions will leave you even more excited about what you can achieve with text message marketing.

Massive adoption of SMS marketing

A new report from Forrester Research shows that the number of mobile text messages will increase 40% in 2022 as marketers seek new ways to reach consumers directly. The report says the pandemic rendered most business plans moot. Thus, forcing brands to seek alternative, high-impact solutions. As a result, 60% of organizations plan to ramp up their SMS marketing campaigns.

Increased integration with other channels

Omnichannel marketing is gaining traction faster than first anticipated as a means to enhance customer experience. This broader trend will impact text message marketing too. Unlike in the past, where many brands used SMS marketing as a standalone strategy, we’ll see SMS weaved into other marketing strategies in 2022. For instance, a few apps now allow brands to collect cell phone numbers by email. They then send one-off campaigns to the numbers.

SMS marketing to bridge customer support gaps

Brands consistently lose clients when callers wait in line to get support because of long queues and small support desk teams. This can change with SMS text messaging tools. Many consumers prefer text over calls anyway, especially millennials and gen Z. Moreover, brands can save resources and easily automate sections of text support to solve consumer queries more conveniently.

Mobile App SMS Marketing

Mobile app development companies are on the rise. According to Statista, the global consumer spend on mobile apps on 2Q 2021 reached a whopping 70bn USD! The figure is a dead giveaway of how active people are on their mobile devices. That's why you need to invest in mobile device-related marketing initiatives, especially SMS marketing.

Cross-selling through SMS updates

With increasingly cluttered email inboxes and recent indications that consumers now prefer text over email, we’re about to see a shift in cross-selling strategies. Previously updates such as delivery messages and order confirmations were sent via email. However, more brands are looking to send the same via SMS messages in 2022. And, why not when SMS marketing is just as cost-effective while offering a much higher open rate?

Advanced targeting through triggered SMS

We’ve seen this trend in apps and even email. Brands set triggered messages to celebrate customer birthdays and milestones. Or, they use them to update consumers about new product releases. Now research shows we could see the same from SMS messages from 2022. Triggered messages via SMS Marketing systems are convenient and low-cost. But, more importantly, they help with loyalty campaigns and can be a valuable remarketing tool.

Personalized SMS marketing for higher ROI

We’re also set to see an increase in SMS marketing personalization, just as we’ve seen with email and social media. For instance, brands will spend more time curating marketing SMS messages to appeal to each user’s personality and culture. We will likely see new targeting dimensions with a shift to the individual rather than group needs.

SMS for influencer marketing

Finally, we’re likely to see brands partner with influencers to run SMS marketing campaigns in 2022. For instance, don’t be surprised to receive a text from Meghan offering a 20% discount on your favorite shoe brand if you use the code “MEG20.” It’s a great way for brands to close more sales and consumers to interact with their favorite personalities.

Ready to Try It?

It’s not too late to get aboard the SMS marketing hype train. Plus, you don’t have to worry too much about the budget because SMS message marketing is very affordable. However, you must start or risk losing ground to your competitors as the market changes.

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