
Safeguard Your Business From These Potential Disasters

Safeguard Your Business From These Potential Disasters

(License: Pixabay)

Never ever assume that your business is safe from potential disasters.

Disaster could strike at any moment, and if you're not prepared, then your business is going to face the consequences. 

Worried? You should be!

In this article, we are going to list several types of disaster, with a few tips on how to safeguard yourself from them. Use them as a basis for a disaster recovery plan, which should be the first step you take to protect yourself from any type of calamity that could befall your business.

Disaster #1: Computer hardware failure

What would you do if your computers failed? If you were unable to access important data pertaining to your business, then you might have to cease operations for a while. Consequently, profits would drop, and you might lose faith from both customers and clients if you were forced to delay business with them for an extensive period of time.


First, always store valuable data onto the cloud. This way, if your computers were to fail, you wouldn't lose the information you needed to manage the daily runnings of your business. Check out these cloud storage solutions for small businesses, and if you haven't already, sign up to a vendor that can provide the storage space that your business needs.

Second, back up your data onto an external hard drive, as this is another way to protect your business in the event of a computer hardware failure. 

Last (but most definitely not least), regularly maintain your computers. You can do this yourself by cleaning the interior of your computer and by running antivirus programs regularly, and you can also hire IT professionals to give your computer a checkup to ensure that everything is working accordingly. 

By taking these steps, you are doing much to safeguard your business in the event of a computer hardware failure. 

Disaster #2: A cyber-attack

Safeguard Your Business From These Potential Disasters

(License: Pixabay)

Businesses, both large and small, can fall prey to a cyber-attack, so you should never assume that you won't be targeted. In some cases, a hacker might target you directly, especially if they think they have something to gain by doing so. And in other cases, you or your employees might fall prey to a circulating phishing email that has been designed to appear legit. By clicking on a link or opening an attachment, your computer systems might then be infected with malware that can either shut your computers down or relay your sensitive data back to a hacker. Either way, you will suffer a hit to your reputation if your customers have been affected, and a hit to your finances too, especially if your banking details have been compromised. 


First, install antivirus software and firewalls onto your computer systems, as these will act as your best line of defense. Be sure to update them regularly too, as this will protect you from new viruses and hacking methods that become commonplace.

Second, work with your employees to safeguard your computers. Provide training to phish-proof your employees, and remind them of safe practices when visiting websites online. 

Thirdly, use your common sense when you're online. Don't download files from suspicious looking sites and emails, and rather than using the same passwords for accounts and websites that you access, use random password generators to make life harder for any potential hackers.  

And finally, stay up to date with the latest cyber cime threats. New and clever ways are used by hackers all the time to steal from businesses, but if you're more than a little savvy to them, you are less likely to fall prey to any attacks.

Disaster #3: A natural disaster

Disaster movies are entertaining to watch, but when you are caught up in a real-life natural disaster event, then you aren't going to see the fun side. We are thinking about earthquakes, floods,  hurricanes, and tornadoes, any one of which can cripple your business.


Unfortunately, you can't control the weather, but you can take steps to protect your business from potential disasters.

First, think about your business premises. If you know you are living in an area that is susceptible to a natural disaster, you need to protect your building as much as possible. So, if you were living in a potential earthquake zone, for example, you could safeguard yourself by opting for a seismic retrofit. And if your business was in an area susceptible to flooding, you might waterproof your foundation to minimize potential damage. Research your location, and take the necessary precautions if a natural disaster is deemed likely.

Second, take out the relevant insurance policies to protect your premises and the contents within. This way, even if your business is hit by a natural disaster, you will be able to minimize the financial damage that would otherwise affect your business. 

You might also consider moving to newer business premises if you suspected you were in a high-risk area. While you will face both the physical and financial strains of the process, this is better than staying where you are and suffering the inevitable consequences of any harsh weather conditions. 

And finally, you need to find ways to keep your business running in the event of a natural disaster. As an example, you might be able to run your business from home if you weren't already doing so. Provided you had taken our earlier suggestion and backed up your business data to the cloud, both you and your employees might be able to continue working remotely. 

For more advice on protecting your business from a natural disaster, continue your research online, as there might be some specifics that pertain to your business, and your particular location. 


Where would your business be after a disaster? Would it be able to rise from the ashes (perhaps even literally) and continue on its path to success? Or would it crumble and fall, without a lot of hope for the future?

By taking the necessary safeguards to protect your business from harm, and by putting a disaster recovery plan in place, you don't have to suffer unduly. Consider our suggestions then, and continue your research to ensure the long-term survivability of your business. 

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