
Business Leadership and Productivity Tactics for Success


Studies show that the number of employees not in management positions that are disengaged is exceptionally high. The most common result is that the employees are not being productive and goal accomplishments suffer. Every business owner’s dream is to reach maximum capacity when it comes to productivity and that is why they often end their relationships with employees who do not share their vision. For your business to achieve its mission and objectives, the top management needs to also have practical leadership skills and productivity tactics that will help them maximize their teams and ultimately increase productivity.

Leadership and productivity tactics that will make your business successful

1. Lead your business by leading yourself first

Understanding how to lead yourself before leading others is the first step towards becoming a successful leader. Employees are more likely to get influenced by someone who has a vision and a purpose.

What does this tell you? Knowing your values and leading consistently with them is one way of leading yourself. Continue to move towards your purpose, and that way, it will be effortless for you to motivate employees towards achieving higher goals. Keep improving yourself and lead by example.

2. Create SMART goals

Peter Drucker’s emphasis on setting SMART goals is not in vain. One of the most common mistakes that managers can make is not acknowledging the importance of making SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Time-bound) goals. You should be spelling out precisely what the business intends to accomplish in your mission statement and have yearly goals that are measurable, achievable, realistic, and relevant to the overall business goal. They should also have a timeframe within which you expect them to be accomplished. These need to be shared with your team and regularly reviewed for progress.

SMART goals will help to improve individual performance as well as the overall performance of the organization, as they are motivating and attainable.  Encourage team members to set goals that help your team accomplish the business goals as well.

3. Leverage your passion and proficiency to be most productive

You will be more successful if you start doing more of what you love. It is, therefore, important to establish your “desire zones.” It is a great way to be able to experience flow and freedom while taking on your leadership roles. Identifying the areas that you are passionate about and you are skilled in means that you know where your mind needs to be and where you want to go. It also shows you what you should be delegating so you can work in your sweet spot. It is a recipe for successful leadership, productivity, and growth.

4. Take time to refuel to accomplish more in less time

Studies show that employees who take time off and have outside pursuits perform better. It’s important to not be “all work and no play”. In fact, teams that engage in fun together are actually more productive in the workplace! Camaraderie can be built and motivation to help one another increases.

The same goes for leadership; there is a need to delegate duties and take a break to refuel your mind and body, and to step back to evaluate your leadership.

5. Keep priorities in focus by translating annual goals to quarterly targets and weekly tasks

To achieve the goals that you set, they have to be broken down into smaller tasks. Have you ever stepped back for a moment and wondered if your goals might be so big, that your employees might have no idea of how they will accomplish them? If you haven’t, you need to give this a thought. There is absolutely nothing wrong with being ambitious. What matters is what you are doing to make your goals achievable.

Make your goals less intimidating and more motivating by breaking them down into actionable tasks.

6. Plan on weekly checkpoints for accountability and course adjustments

This is the reason why you should set SMART goals. For effective leadership and increased productivity in your business, they need to be measurable. You should always be on your toes. Once you have broken down the goals into smaller tasks, it is time to assess the progress. You should be tracking daily goals and weekly progress. From there, you will be able to identify whether or not there is a need to change the strategies that you have in place to accomplish your specific goals.

Leadership has an essential role to play in the success of any business. With the above tactics, you have an effective blueprint for effective leadership and boosting the productivity of your organization.

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