
Reflection on "The Power of Negative"

The power of negative - from The Six Month MBA

Everywhere I go these days, I see books about the power of things. The Power of Less. The Power of Now. The Power of Intention. The Power of Positive Thinking.


Not a single one of those things has nearly the same amount of power as the power of negative.

The power of negative hits us every time we start to second-guess our ability to accomplish something.

The power of negative spotlights the places where we feel deficient.

The power of negative causes us to toe society’s lines more often than we should.

But the power of negative has a bright side. It charges our thinking during the planning process so that we consider all the downsides and obstacles before starting. It points to voids where we can create a market. It makes us remarkable.

Much like the force, it has to be channeled for good rather than evil.

How are you handling the power of negative?

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