
Top Facebook Marketing Tips from Post Planner Chief Josh Parkinson [Podcast]


Trying to grow your Facebook community?

Wanting to boost engagement and drive more traffic to your website?

This is a "MUST LISTEN" podcast featuring my interview with Post Planner founder Josh Parkinson.  Josh calls himself the "Chief Pain Killer" for Post Planner.  His aim is to make Facebook marketing easy and to save you 2 hours a day!  Sound good?
Have a listen..



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Post Planner allows you to:

  • Schedule posts for the future, but more than that it...
  • Helps you find awesome content (content engine)
  • Create Evergreen Posts (posts that can repeat at intervals)
  • Generate engaging post ideas and status updates (status ideas engine)

Post Planner offers a free plan that is great for testing all the way up to a Guru Plan at only $29/month that offers team management and full access to content curation, posting ideas engine and more.

Quotes & Nuggets Josh offered:

  • "The goal of your business on Facebook is ultimately to get people from Facebook to your website where they can buy"
  • "There are really only 2 types of content on Facebook, promotional and engaging"
  • Engaging content sets the stage for promotional
  • Engaging content defined - the sole purpose of engaging content is to get 'Likes' and 'Comments' so that when you post promotional content, fans will see it.  This is all about building connection for later
  • You don't post photos or status updates just for their own sake.  The goal is to use these posts to increase engagement so that ultimately your promotional posts are seen
  • Engagement with posts you have created sends signals to Facebook that the visitor likes that content and thus Facebook should show them more of your Page's content
  • Put another way, engagement is 'chum'. On Facebook you have to "chum the waters" - Photos, links to third-party blog posts, questions in a post status update all need to be interesting so that users come and nibble (eat some chum) by "liking", commenting, or sharing.


  • Promotional posts are then the baited hooks where you are trying to "catch fish" from among the frenzy that have come for the chum.  In other words, put out your best offer bait in promotional posts to get the visitor to buy.  This can be a eBook, a deal, coupon, or offer.  The key is that you only have enough fish swimming around if you have been engaging them.
  • If you don't have content on a blog to link out to from your Facebook Page, you are missing out.  Content marketing is huge!
  • Post Planner went from 9,000 unique visitors a month to 140,000 unique visitors to their website in 9 months.  This was because they increased their blogging, and then this gave them information to post and link out to from Facebook.
  • Our fan page exists as distribution for our products and services.  Our website is our foundation and our content marketing via blogging is our source to pull in interested marketers.

I asked Josh, "So, how much should a business post per day?"

Josh's answer: "Post more!  Businesses don't post enough.  1x every couple days is a huge missed opportunity.  The less often you post, the less opportunity for others to see your post later on and the greater amount of effort you will have to put in later.  On the Post Planner Page we post 5-6x a day and at times when our audience is most often on Facebook."

Want More?  Here are great blog posts from Post Planner:

- How to Increase Facebook Engagement

- Why Scheduling Posts can be a Good Thing

- The #1 Mistake Businesses Make on Facebook

Download this episode to listen offline:


Why the Halftime theme?

I'm a Indiana Hoosier native where basketball is the top sport.  Every team heads to the locker room at halftime to evaluate the first half and create a updated plan for the second half.  That plan includes adjustments based on reviewing what worked and what didn't.  The "halftime" is a key review point where the game stops, the team pulls away to huddle in the locker room away from the fans, and they come out prepared and ready to succeed in the second half.

That's what this podcast is all about, taking the time to pull away for bit to evaluate, learn, and set some strategies for your business to succeed in the second half.  Join me by subscribing and let me be your "business halftime" to help you find great success going forward!



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