
4 Ways to Monitor your Facebook Page while Out of Office

June 13, 2013
Your out of the office.  Will you be outta luck on responding to posts and comments on your fan page too? It's summertime in the U.S.  That means vacations, conferences, and time out of the office. As we well know, social media stops and waits for no one!  'Real Time' is here to stay. The […]

How to Generate More Business for Hotels via Facebook - 4 Tips

June 6, 2013
Hotels have the opportunity to utilize Facebook as a key tool in their marketing strategy. With the power of social sharing of photos, posts, and deals that Facebook offers combined with the massive daily use of Facebook by individuals, Facebook can be a key marketing location for hotels. Combine the above facts with Facebook's Graph […]

New LinkedIn Features Enhance Social Networking - Maximize with these 6 Tips

June 4, 2013
Covering the Top 6 Things to Review in your LinkedIn Profile. LinkedIn ranks among the top social media networks, and with over 200 million professionals as on January 2013, it is the preferred “business to business” social channel.  The site has recently added a number of new tools that enhance the experience, particularly for the average […]

Running a Successful Facebook Photo Contest

June 4, 2013
Facebook Marketing Webinar Event - June 28 Trying to take your Facebook Page activity to the next level?  Want to join the fun of running a Facebook Photo Contest but not sure how to start?  This is the webinar for you! Why a contest? Because it’s all about "engagement" on Facebook! The more your Facebook community […]

Steve Jobs - Stay Hungry Stay Foolish - and other sayings worth reflecting on!

May 27, 2013
A key legacy of Steve Jobs is innovation. When you think of Steve, you think of the iPhone, iPad, and resurgence of  Apple. It's often helpful, however, to go back and look at the bigger picture.  The trials at Apple that forced him out, the years away with Disney and Pixar, the stumble of Apple […]

Facebook Page Checklist - 11 Items to Audit on your Fan Page

May 23, 2013
Facebook changes things often and quickly. Six months is a massive time period in the Facebook ecosystem!  Page Managers must stay current, keep up, and adjust with the changes Facebook makes. For those folks that change and adapt, new features can add value and make a meaningful difference in your marketing! Below is the start […]

How Social Media Benefits SEO

May 21, 2013
Below is a helpful infographic about the ways that social media impacts SEO. A couple items stand out to me including: Social Media helps Content Get Indexed Faster Tweeting cuts indexation time by 50% Social Media reduces the time it takes Googlebot to find your content from Hours to Seconds Increases Rankings for Terms in […]

In Light of the Yahoo Purchase A Comparison of Tumblr and Wordpress

May 20, 2013
Tumblr and WordPress are the two most popular platforms to choose from for hosting a blog separate from a company website.   If you’re getting started, or wondering what to do in light of Yahoo's announced purchase of Tumblr, here's a quick guide on each platform to help you make an educated decision. NOTE: To be […]

Run a Successful Sweepstakes on Facebook

May 18, 2013
Join me for a in-depth look at the new TabSite Sweepstakes PLUS app on Thursday, May 30. The webinar "How to Run a Successful Sweepstakes on Facebook" will dive into the details so that Page Managers can maximize this new tool! 1:30 p.m. EDT, Thursday, May 30 Sign-up Now   Why Sweepstakes PLUS? Because it’s all about Engagement! The more […]

3 Facebook Page Summer Marketing Ideas for Local Retailers

May 16, 2013
Summertime!  The summer season is nearly upon us here in the U.S. Summer time = Sales time! For many retailers, this is PRIME TIME and the months of June, July, and August can generate 50-70%  or more of the total yearly sales for their business.  People are out and about, traveling, stopping in, and they're […]

An Overview of Web Remarketing

May 15, 2013
Remarketing (or Retargeting) to those that have visited your website Generating sales and leads for your business on the web is powerful.  The web allows anyone, anywhere to potentially discover and buy from your firm. In a perfect world, a would-be customer would find your product online, come to your website and make a purchase.  […]

Images and Visual Media Inspire Higher Facebook Engagement

May 9, 2013
It's a fact! Images and Videos inspire the most engagement on Facebook. We live in a visually oriented world, and images capture attention. On social networks, and particularly Facebook, images and visuals inspire engagement actions including “Like”, “Share”, and “Comment” more than other  methods. Facebook, in its own research, found that the most successful posts for capturing […]

Facebook Overhauls Page Manager iOS App

May 9, 2013
Great news for Apple users!  On May 8, Facebook launched a new version of the "Pages Manager for iOS" app.  According to Facebook, this update is a complete rebuild from the ground up to help make managing Page content faster, easier, and more powerful while on the go.  This is another Facebook change that is […]

How to Setup Trusted Contacts Facebook Security Feature

May 3, 2013
On May 2, Facebook announced a new, very helpful, security feature for users called: Trusted Contacts Facebook allows you to choose and manage your trusted contacts anytime from your Security Settings.  The value is that this provides a means if you are having trouble with your Facebook account (lost password, too many failed login attempts, etc) […]

Facebook EdgeRank and the Value of Contests for Engagement

May 3, 2013
Engagement: In Social Media terms, this is the ability to get your audience to interact with your brand. Specifically with a Facebook Page this would mean to interact with the visitor in such a way that they Like, Comment, or Share something related to your Facebook Page. Statistics show that the majority of a Facebook’s users […]

Updated Facebook Timeline for Pages Infographic with Images Sizes

April 30, 2013
Facebook's Timeline for Pages offers marketers great opportunities! [See 2014 Facebook Page Image Dimensions here >>] Here's a Facebook Page easy image guide for the various components and image sizes in Timeline for fan pages from TabSite, the leader is Facebook Page promotion tools. The TabSite Team has created a revised Timeline Infographic to help you quickly and easily […]

Overcome the Facebook Contest Mobile User Issue

April 26, 2013
Facebook Mobile use is up significantly... but Facebook mobile user access to tabs on fan pages remains a dilemma. TabSite has a solution.    THE FACEBOOK MOBILE ACCESS PROBLEM: Facebook's iPhone and Android Apps, as well as their mobile version for all smartphones, do not incorporate custom tab app links into the Page menu. The […]

The Value of the 3 Legged Digital Marketing Stool

April 24, 2013
Online digital marketing has evolved and continues to change.  Long gone are the days when having a static, non-changing web page suffices for reaching and marketing to consumers on the Internet. Today's consumer is using multiple digital tools, and so to effectively reach them means a company should be utilizing multiple channels in message delivery.  […]

BOOST Your Facebook Marketing

April 20, 2013
Trying to take your Facebook Page to the Next Level? Not sure how to break through and wondering how to get more active fans and a more vibrant Facebook community? Need ideas and direction? This is the webinar for you! Join TabSite for an informative Facebook Marketing webinar that will empower you to maximize your […]

6 Resources for Facebook Marketing

April 15, 2013
  Facebook is a powerful place for businesses to be represented and to connect with present and future customers. 1 billion users strong and growing, Facebook has become part of the fabric of our lives and a place a key place where your customers are spending time. Businesses can grow their sales, brand awareness, and customer […]

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