
Lead Capture Tactics in the Digital Marketing Funnel

Lead capture tactics - one of the most important and biggest gaps on websites today!

Most website do not have clearly defined ways to capture leads on their website.  A "contact us" form is not a lead capture tactic!

Lead capture must be part of an integrated online strategy.

Lead capture tactics

In this episode of the halftime Mike podcast I dive into the details on lead capture tactics as they flow within an overall digital marketing marketing strategy.

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Lead Capture Tactics in the Digital Marketing Funnel

Leads are the lifeblood of business.  With the amount of time that people spend online each day, it's imperative that a business have a strategy online for growing leads.  We've talked before about the Digital Marketing Funnel (image below) and past episodes have focused on the Attraction and Engagement strategies within the funnel.  This episode we dive into Lead Capture.  The why, the how, the nuts and bolts to help you up your game online!

Digital Marketing Funnel 1.21.16

Did you know it takes on average 7 points of contact before a sale occurs? Why is that?

A few are ready to buy right away but most are not.  Particularly if you are marketing to them, they were not in "search mode" but were open in "learn mode" to know more about you.  That's an initial introduction but trust and brand recognition has not been established.

Many are in "research mode".

A few are mildly interested but not yet near a point of trusting you.


This is where lead capture comes in!

Somehow they came to your website, whether via a post on Facebook or Twitter, or a Google Search.  With stats showing somewhere in the range of 65-80% of visitors never returning to a website, it's time right then to try and move them into your funnel with a soft lead capture method.

Soft Lead Capture FTW!

A "soft lead capture" is the key for growing leads while visitors are on your website.  Some call it a "Call to Action", "UVP" (Unique Value Proposition) or a "MVP" (Motivating Value Proposition), the key is offering something of value...something that is enough of interest that the user is willing to give you their name and email address (or phone for texting) in exchange for it. It is not your product or service!

It is "soft" because it does not require much to and email is all...and it is not your full product or service, but it something of value that is connected to your business that is of such value that it is enticing for visitors to want.  Here are some keys...

Keys for a Unique Soft Lead Capture:

  • Related to your product/service
  • NOT giving a way a total product or service
  • Linked to your sales and marketing strategy
  • Requirement to get is simple 
  • No massive forms to complete, name and email is standard
  • Works for B2C and B2B
  • Offers Value, a Helpful Resource

Examples of Lead Capture Tactics

  • B2C Pet Store hosted a "Star Pooch of the Month" contest.  Each month was a different breed.  Owners could submit their dog and visitors voted on it.  Owners had to give name and email address to enter.
  • VALUE?  At the end of each month, there was a winner and the pet store had a list of the 250 entries (on average) and the specific breed of dog these owners had!  What a marketing value to use in email marketing later on!


  • B2B - Firm that sells refurbished MRI machines to the medical industry.  They offered a "Buyer's Guide" to help educate the medical industry on how to decide on the best equipment for their facility.  It was a valuable resource for those doing their upfront research.
  • VALUE?  It positioned the firm as a leader in the industry.  One that knew their stuff and offered valuable resourcing.  When the time to buy came, do you think this firm was in the mix?  You bet!  They had built trust and been helpful.  This can be key touches in the 7 touches needed to build trust prior to a sale.


Tools for Lead Capture online

So back to my original point.  Most businesses are not using lead capture on their websites.  Their "Contact Us" page IS NOT a lead capture tool.  You often need a distinct landing page to send users to or you need a tool that engages the user (pop-up or widget) on the site pages.

Yes, pop-ups work!  They may seem annoying but they do work. Check out this data set on pop-ups performing for more information.  Would a 1375% increase in sign-ups intrigue you?  How about the fact that a sidebar sign-up performed at .4% sign-ups while a pop-up on the same site converted at 5.5%?

You need to use tools!  One tool I can recommend (disclaimer... I'm a co-founder) is Waftio.


Tools like waftio let you easily add a lead capture pop-up or widget to your website.  It can even be used as a landing page on your site or as a standalone web landing page.

Configure the options for how it appears, how often it appears, and sync sign-ups with many email marketing services.  There's no excuse NOT to use soft lead capture tactics on your website when Waftio is around!

waftio-soft-lead-capture-tactics ACTION ITEM:  It's time to evaluate the lead capture on your website!  Is it part of a cohesive strategy?  Is it soft?  Does it offer value?

All this and more in this podcast episode!

So what’s your key takeaway from this?  What do you need to do in the next 24 hours based on listening?

Share below!

Lead Capture Tactics Resources:


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Why the Halftime theme Mike? 

I’m an Indiana Hoosier native where basketball is the top sport. Every team heads to the locker room at halftime to evaluate the first half and create an updated plan for the second half. That plan includes adjustments based on reviewing what worked and what didn't. The “halftime” is a key review point where the game stops, the team pulls away to huddle in the locker room away from the fans, and they come out prepared and ready to succeed in the second half.

That’s what this podcast is all about, taking the time to pull away for a bit to evaluate, learn, and set some strategies for your business to succeed in the second half. Join me by subscribing and let me be your “business halftime” to help you find great success going forward!

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