
Improving Your Company’s Internal Communication in 3 Steps

No matter how clear or effective your internal communication may already be, there’s still always going to be room for improvement in this particular area of your company. Why not try and make conversation around your workspace more coherent? Who says you can’t make your ‘open door’ policy even more open than it already is?

To find out how you can improve your company’s internal communication in three simple steps, make sure to read on.

Encourage sharing

To ensure that your internal communication flows back and forth around your workspace, you need to ensure that it is a two-way street. One person, be it you or anybody else, cannot be made to do all the talking — conversely, employees shouldn’t just be allowed to sit back and listen to all that is said. Everybody should be encouraged to share their thoughts, ideas, principles, and values, as this is the only way you are going to create a workplace in which everybody feels comfortable in communicating with everybody else.

Have your managers lead by example

Your managers are very much your foot soldiers in your war to improve your company’s internal communication culture. To ensure that they are doing their bit with regards to getting the rest of your workforce on board in this instance, you have to make sure that they are leading by example.

When it comes to hiring a manager that is up to this all-important task, you should:

  • Promote from within your company, as doing so will see you hire a manager that already has a relationship with the rest of your employees.
  • Give precedence to previous management experience, as these types of managers will take less training.
  • Focus a number of soft skills, such as goal setting and delegation.
  • Diversify your hiring process to ensure that you employ managers that others can relate to.
  • Expand your hiring process to make sure that you leave no stone left unturned when it comes to finding the best manager out there.

Make use of communication technology

If you don’t make use of all the technology that is at your disposal in this day and age, you will unnecessarily hold your company back. There is no excuse for you not to be embracing the latest technological advancements, especially when it comes to the matter of communication — if you don’t use the latest tech in this field, you won’t stand a chance of optimizing your internal communication.

One type of communication technology that you definitely should be embracing is automation. This kind of tech, which is offered in the form of a patented solution by, will allow you to self-service your communication model. Basically, by adopting it into your everyday business practices and processes, you won’t have to worry about human-error interrupting your communication flow. This intelligent two-way messaging service will keep the conversation going at all times, meaning vital information need never go astray.

To improve your company’s internal communication, you’re going to need to put the three pieces of advice laid out above into practice.


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