
How to Promote Affiliate Products and Grow Your Business Online

How to Promote Affiliate Products and Grow Your Business Online

Seeing their business grow is a remarkable accomplishment for business owners, but getting that accomplishment can be fraught with challenges. One way to grow is to promote affiliate products, also known as affiliate marketing.  This is an effective way of improving traffic to your website and growing more sales through the affiliate products you promote. You get paid a share of every successful sale of the affiliate products sold on your site. 

The flip side is also true, where you hire affiliates to promote your business. You only pay your affiliates for visits they drive that convert to sales. Here, we’ll discuss further how to promote affiliate products and grow your business online.

Utilize the Use of Sales Funnels

Sales funnels are useful not just in improving your business’ sales but also in the sales of the affiliate products you are promoting. Effectively implementing sales funnel strategies can help you achieve a two-pronged sales success for your business and affiliates. For business owners who are new to the concept of sales funnels, websites that offer sales funnel software are also offering various resources to get you started with sales funnels. 

Clickfunnels offers perhaps the most comprehensive training resource called the One Funnel Away Challenge, where you get video training, live coachings, worksheets, and other valuable learning materials shipped directly to you. Suppose you have doubts or need convincing testimonials regarding the effectiveness of this training. In that case, various websites and individuals can provide a review of One Funnel Away challenge that is free of bias or overhype. Once you get the gist of how affiliate marketing sales funnel works, you then become ready to apply its main concepts into your business. Examine your business structure and operation and use them as bases for creating strategies that work with your business online.

Choose the Right Affiliate Product To Promote

Affiliate product promotion takes some consideration and review before you promote a product on your business’s online site. While affiliate marketing is a relatively low-risk marketing strategy financially, having consistent low or zero sales of your promoted affiliate products can be detrimental to your business reputation and lower your chances of finding other businesses that will forge an affiliate marketing partnership with you. To avoid this potential drawback and get a profitable affiliate product promotion, choose a niche with good sales potential before selecting affiliate products. 

Suppose your business belongs to the same industry as the affiliate products that you will be promoting. In that case, you will have no trouble in promoting the products in integrating the promotion into your website’s blogs and posts. Do not get easily roped in by other businesses or individuals claiming to have excellent sales, high commission rates, and improved popularity. What you can do instead is find a niche with products that are high-quality and with a competitive or favorable commission rate.

Select a Good Affiliate Marketplace

The affiliate marketplace, also known as the affiliate network, functions as an intermediary between merchants and publishers known as affiliates. In this discussion, your business falls under the latter. Many businesses and individuals tend to bypass and arrange a direct revenue share with the merchants; the practice doesn’t improve your standing as a reputable business. 

When you let the right affiliate marketplace or networks such as Clickbank, ShareASale, or JVZOO take care of the payment and product delivery, it gives merchants an impression that your business is a trustworthy affiliate and has good commitment. Building a good reputation as an affiliate will allow you to gain access to more merchants and establish long-term partnerships with merchants, allowing a continuous flow of affiliate marketing commissions to boost your business profits.

Build an Email List Through Email Collection Forms

Email remains one of the best marketing channels you can take advantage promote affiliate products that you offer. You can use creative and non-disruptive ways of leading your site visitors to provide their name, email addresses, phone numbers, and other information that you deem necessary to collect to generate leads and conversions for your affiliate products. One of the most effective ways is using a hello bar to put calls to action on the top bar of your website. You can make relevant offers related to your affiliate products, such as ebooks, product review links or pages, or newsletters. When your site visitors click on the hello bar, you can redirect them to a page to enter their email before proceeding to the link. 

The exit gate is another method of letting you collect the email information of site visitors before they leave your site. You can include other effective email collection forms on your website to collect emails and get sales leads. Sales conversion may be your top priority for your affiliate products, but you should not stop there. Keep the contacts in your email list engaged by providing weekly updates, newsletters, or promotions, either of your affiliate products or your business products or services. This way, you are keeping your sales potential intact and increasing your odds of gaining repeat sales.

Promote Affiliate Products and Grow Your Business Online

There can be many ways to promote affiliate products. These can vary depending on how your business operates and its structure. Nevertheless, one important factor is you need to review and pick the relevant products for your business website. Starting with this factor and the other tips we provided, you can make a successful affiliate product promotion campaign and improve your business revenue and growth.

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