
How to Make Money on Instagram

If you are looking for ways to make money through social media, one of the networks you should focus on is Instagram. As it has over a billion users and it drives the highest engagement among the top networks.

How to make money on instagram

There are several ways to money on Instagram.

But before I dive into ways to make money, I will share 2 tips on how to set up and manage your account. Selling on Instagram will only work if you get these 2 things right first. As they will help you build a following that wants to buy the products you sell or recommend.

Set up a profile that attracts followers and traffic:

The first thing you must is set up a proper Instagram business or creator account. This should include...

A profile picture:

Your profile picture should be something that’s clear and easy to recognize. If you are the face of the brand, you can use a headshot. But if you are a company you should use a logo.

Business Name:

For the business name, you can simply use your name or the name of your business. You can also drop in some keywords that people are likely to search for. This will help you attract Instagram followers.


The username appears both in your account URL and on your account. You should just add your business name here and maybe weave in a short keyword. 


Think of your bio as an elevator pitch. You mainly want to show visitors the value you bring to them. Your bio will help them decide whether they should follow you or not. So, think about your ideal audience and write a bio specifically for them. If you have a brand quote or slogan you can add it here as well. If you haven’t got one, you can quickly create one here.

Bio URL:

In the bio URL, you should link to a landing page or an Instagram landing page (with many options). You can create it using a tool like LinkTree.


There’s only so much information you can add in the bio. Therefore, you should add more bits of information using Instagram stories highlights.

To get some ideas on how to set up your account properly, you can check out Agoda’s Instagram account.

Make money on instagram

It’s a well set up account with a good bio and a lot of highlights that link back to their website.

Build up engagement and following

Once you have a well set up profile, you should work on increasing your engagement. When you have a good number of engaging followers who trust you, more of them will buy the products you recommend. Here are a few ways to boost your engagement...

Post quality content consistently:

To attract followers and keep them you need to post quality non-promotional content. Follow the 80% rule here where you publish only 2 promotional type posts for every 8 non-promotional posts. Try to post once every day at least. You can use a good Instagram scheduling app to make sure you post regularly.

And post more video content as videos generate more engagement than photo posts.

Make money

It can seem time-consuming to create videos but there are several easy to use video editors that can simplify this process.

If you aren’t in a hurry to make money from your Instagram account, I recommend that you wait till you gain 10,000 followers before posting anything promotional. As when you hit the 10,000 followers mark, you can share links in your Instagram stories.

Write better captions:

Captions are an important part of your Instagram posts. Instagram isn’t just about photos. So, pay special attention to it and write engaging captions that complement your photos. Also, include some top and trending Instagram hashtags as they can increase engagement. Emojis can also help with boosting engagement. You can use this emoji guide to find the right emojis.

Engage with your followers:

Also, make sure you engage back with your followers by responding to their comments.

For some Instagram post ideas, you can check out Califia Farms’ Instagram account.

They publish a good mix of videos, photos and non-promotional and promotional content.

Now start selling

Once you complete the above two steps and gain a decent number of followers you can begin using your account to make money. If you get the above strategy right, the making money part should sail through smoothly as you will have an audience that wants to buy from you. Here are a few ways you can do this...

Sell services:

The easiest and fastest way to make money is by selling services. This has to be on a subject you specialize in and it should solve a problem your audience has. If you get both right you should be on your way to making some income from Instagram quickly as you don’t need to create a product.

Sell products:

Another way you can make money on Instagram is by selling products. These could be digital products or physical products. Instagram actually makes it easy to sell them with their shoppable posts feature. This lets you tag products in your posts.

To get an idea of how shoppable posts work, you can just check out posts from a top ecommerce store such as Under Armour.

under armour

They regularly tag products in their posts. You should also be able to easily set up shoppable posts if your ecommerce store is built with a platform such as 3dcart.

Sell affiliate products:

If you don’t want to take the time to create products, you can use affiliate marketing to sell products someone else has created. This is where you share a special link to the product and you get a percentage of commission for every sale.

Sell shoutouts:

Another way to make money without selling any of your products and services is by selling shoutouts/sponsored posts. Many brands are ready to pay you well for this as Instagram is one of the top networks for influencer marketing.

Sell your account:

Another way to make money is by selling your account. There are many people out there looking to buy Instagram accounts. As they don’t want to spend time growing it. So, if you have grown your account and have a good following, you can just sell it.


These are the different ways in which you can make money on Instagram. You don’t have to use all of them. Just use the ones that suit you best.

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