
How To Give Your Brand Mascot A Compelling Makeover


Give Your Brand Mascot A Compelling Makeover

Over the years, mascots have emerged as an essential element of marketing and branding. Businesses use them to give a face and form to their brand. Beyond facilitating recognition, they enable you to create an emotional connection with the audience. While mascots consolidate the business-consumer connection, they may not always serve the purpose. If you struggle to get the traction you expect, consider it a sign that you should give your mascot a complete makeover. But reworking your personality is more challenging than designing it from scratch. You have to ideate something that resonates with your values and connects with the audience. Here are some tips to give your brand mascot a compelling makeover.

Modernize it where possible

The best place to start is by looking at what you have and finding the elements worth salvaging. If nothing works, you can consider starting from scratch for a new mascot. Either way, the aim is to modernize the existing one. Rather than following your instinct, you must invest in market research to decide the way ahead. Find facts such as audience expectations, competition strategies, and market trends to understand the requirements and take the right approach. It enables you to fine-tune the design or revamp it completely, as the need is. You can save loads of time and money by doing the right thing.

Minimize the presence of the current mascot

This one is a no-brainer when you plan a makeover for your mascot. You cannot expect to make an abrupt switch as it may be hard to digest for your customers. The better way to change is by minimizing the presence of the current mascot while you rethink its design. Consider cutting down on the website and social media first, and you may even get a response from the followers. Giving a sneak peek of the new design is a good idea. If your audience seems to receive it well, you can go ahead with ordering new Custom Mascot Costumes for your brand. You can be sure about the investment once you have positive feedback on social media.

Change the tone of voice

When it comes to mascot makeovers, think beyond the visual design only. You can go the extra mile by changing its tone of voice when working on a design revamp. Most brands encounter value transitions down the line. For example, the focus for most brands has shifted from profits to customers service in pandemic times. You will have to rework your branding message accordingly. Your brand mascot should also be changed to align with the new values, so make sure you include it in the new strategy. A change in tone is also essential to match the new look of your mascot, even when your brand does not go through a value transition.

Giving your brand mascot a compelling makeover is easier than you imagine. Just follow the audience's expectations, consider your brand values, and rethink the design for a new look. Your customers will be sure to love it as much as you do!

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