
How to do a Simple SEO Audit on your Website

During the recent COVID-19 pandemic, many businesses realized they needed to rely even more heavily on their website for sales and marketing going forward.  Some found that they were not pleased with how their site showed up (or didn't!) in search results.  If your business is one of those that wants to strengthen your organic search results for key terms, then it's time to learn how to do a simple SEO audio on your website with some layman's (non-developer!) tools!

How to do a Simple SEO Audit on your Website

Let's dive into how to do a simple SEO audit on your website with specific instructions, results, and what they mean!

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How to do a SEO Site Audit with Neil Patel's SEO Analyzer Tool

The past months have shown us that if physical business locations are shutdown, then our website becomes a critical tool to keep our business afloat. Many businesses are fearful and struggle with the term SEO, and many more wonder how to do an SEO site audit.  Well, in this post we’ll break down a great way your business can do an SEO site audit with Neil Patel’s SEO Analyzer tool for free!

Any small business can get a great and yet simple SEO audit on your website using the free tool by Neil Patel at

Areas covered and keys SEO items addressed with the SEO Analyzer include:

SEO Analysis

The SEO Analyzer is a powerful tool that will do a site SEO audit. 

The free version will not review every page of your website but it does still give you a wealth of information and value. First, you will get an overall score from 0-100 to let you know where you stand and a breakdown of whether your site is great, average, or needing lots of improvement. As part of the assessment, the tool will do a website code review to look at website system issues that impact SEO related to the actual structure and way the page was built.  The SEO Analyzer free report will give you critical errors, warnings, and recommendations for the actual code found on pages of your site.

Beyond the code, it also does a very helpful breakdown of per page or “on page” SEO improvements.  It will identify things such as pages with too low of a word count and pages with missing or duplicate meta descriptions.  As well, it will identify more items including pages that have more than one H1 tag and pages with a duplicate H1 tag.  

Beyond this the SEO Analyzer will identify if the issue is of high importance, medium, or low importance to help you prioritize what you work on to improve your SEO score.

Another important area of SEO is site speed and the SEO analysis by Neil Patel’s SEO Analyzer also gives you a site speed score.  Not only a single score but it gives you unique scores for desktop and for mobile.  Since Google now indexes and evaluates sites from a “mobile-first” perspective in determining page ranking, this is an important and critical tool to use.

The SEO Analyzer also evaluates your site backlinks.  It will show you who links to you (again, limited for free users), track your domain authority score, and give you an overview of your overall traffic metrics. This way you are able to see what’s working and what needs to be improved upon with your site.

Once you’ve review the report, the dashboard also gives you access to a host of other tools for SEO including:


This is another one of Neil’s tools and it will give you an overview of top keywords on your site but more importantly, recommended keyword ideas you can target and content ideas.


The Traffic analyzer area will do just that, give you an overview of your website traffic including your top trafficked pages and top keyword traffic.

Overall, this tool, even at the free level, is a great resource to help you understand how your site is performing and give you actionable items that nearly any website manager can tackle and improve.  

While the free version gives you a lot, the paid version would give you the full spectrum for your entire site.  If the data feels overwhelming, find a knowledgeable web manager or SEO consultant to review and do the fixes for you.

As I always say, addressing SEO is never “once-and-done”.  It’s an ongoing process that needs updates and re-evaluations over time to ensure you are progressing and improving.

Final Takeaway

What's holding you back from doing a website SEO audit today?  Start with at least the free version, find out some things you can improve, and spend an hour making some initial improvements you can feel good about and which can boost your website search ranking!

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Why the Halftime theme Mike? 

I’m an Indiana Hoosier native where basketball is the top sport. Every team heads to the locker room at halftime to evaluate the first half and create an updated plan for the second half. That plan includes adjustments based on reviewing what worked and what didn't. The “halftime” is a key review point where the game stops, the team pulls away to huddle in the locker room away from the fans, and they come out prepared and ready to succeed in the second half.

That’s what this podcast is all about, taking the time to pull away for a bit to evaluate, learn, and set some strategies for your business to succeed in the second half. Join me by subscribing and let me be your “business halftime” to help you find great success going forward!

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