
How To Build Quality Backlinks In 4 Easy Steps

build quality backlinks

Quality backlinks are a kind of ‘vote of confidence’ for a website and its content. A third-party website referencing a blog or any other content from a business’s website is basically vouching for the latter’s informative and engaging content. The more third-party websites reference a website’s content, the more reputable it’ll appear before search engines.

Backlinks are essential to rank among the top ten in any search engine results page (SERP). The top result has an average of 100,000 backlinks, while the tenth placer has less than a third of that. Most people think that creating quality content is a surefire way to build backlinks—and they’d be right about that. However, quality content alone won’t be enough.

Aside from providing informative and engaging content, this task entails more work. Fortunately, the following steps aren’t as difficult as they might seem.

1. See how competitors do it

One benefit of doing business today is the plethora of examples a business owner can look into when planning their next move. Looking for effective backlinking strategies is no different; the internet plays host to sites and pages with quality backlinks as far as the eye can see. It pays to take a look at how they pulled off their backlinking strategies.

Also, take this time to determine the kind of backlinks visitors are going for. There are a couple of tools you can use, such as setting up email alerts for specific websites or installing SEO tools on your browser. If the numbers suggest that a certain backlink’s picking up steam, use that info to your advantage.

2. Know when to follow or nofollow

Once you have the necessary data, the next few steps will go over the more technical aspects of backlinking. One such aspect is identifying the type of backlinks that the website needs: follow vs. nofollow links. Each has its own pros and cons, but an SEO-friendly website utilizes both for the ideal balance.

Introduced in 2005, the nofollow system was Google’s answer to the storm of spam comments attempting to build links with their keywords. A follow (also called do-follow) link lets search engine crawlers know that they should crawl toward this link. By default, all backlinks are follow links, so no modification to the code is necessary.

Conversely, nofollow links advise the crawlers not to crawl toward them as the website doesn’t necessarily endorse them. Most content management software (CMS) can easily indicate a link as nofollow, but manual HTML coding also works. The “rel” attribute after the referenced link (“a href”) specifies how the website and the link are related.


3. Use broken links to your advantage

Information changes over time, so any content that doesn’t keep up will gradually lose its spot in SERPs. Sometimes, the content gets deleted, leaving a broken or dead link in its wake. However, such links can still be useful—all they need is a new place to link to, preferably your links. This is the broken link building strategy in a nutshell.

Most experts recommend this strategy since it basically lets businesses hit two birds with one stone. Webmasters find broken or dead links in one website and will use live and updated links to improve the user experience. Meanwhile, the business’s website that offers the link will gain credibility points.

Of course, executing this strategy involves finding broken links, but technology has made this part easy. Some SEO tools and resources feature gathering all broken or dead links in a website by simply typing the URL on the box. There will always be dozens of such links out there, so don’t hesitate to seize the opportunity.

4. Keep the number of links under control

Given these steps, it’s not surprising if some might be tempted to put as many links as possible on their pages. After all, as mentioned in the beginning, the top ten sites in the SERPs have thousands of backlinks. But stuffing too many links will do more harm to a website than good, as it’ll confuse the crawlers and degrade the links’ value.

Moving forward, avoid falling into the trap of extremes. Focusing on high-quality backlinks alone will attract fewer highly-committed visitors, while doing so on high-quantity ones will attract more less-committed visitors.  You can buy backlinks but you want to do this in moderation and also have natural backlinks from other sites.  You want to be somewhere in the middle to strike the correct balance of traffic and consumer commitment.


Backlinking can be a lot of work but not necessarily backbreaking. By combining state-of-the-art SEO tools with business insight, any business will enjoy positive results in search engines.

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