
How to Boost Productivity with Your Team in 2021

Young woman working on a laptop from home.

There are several ways to make your company more successful, ranging from investing in new technologies to marketing solutions. However, one of the best and most effective ways to achieve success is to improve your team's productivity. Here are three tips to help you boost productivity with your team in 2021.

1. Check-in with More than Just Work

Check-ins are an essential tool for you to connect with your team members. While regular check-ins help managers get updates on current projects, they shouldn't only be about work. Your team's well-being significantly affects their productivity, and studies show that addressing your team's well-being increases productivity by as much as 12%.

Having frequent check-ins allows you to understand your team, maintain a constructive relationship with your employees, keep performance in check, and align work with team and company goals. It also allows you to build rapport with your team members and create an open communication line between you and your employees. This fosters a positive relationship, builds trust, and creates a safe place where employees can share their concerns and ask for help if they need it. This way, you can spot any warning signs of distress early and respond accordingly.

Regular check-ins make your employees feel valued, validated, heard, and supported. Thereby motivating them to succeed, resulting in improved performance and increased productivity. Daily and weekly-check-ins are both excellent ways to connect with your employees especially in the current climate.

2. Host Virtual Fun Team Events

Remote work can be isolating, which can negatively affect your team's productivity. According to a recent survey, 52% of team members reported feeling less connected to their colleagues since working remotely. The survey also found that 60% of the most engaged and productive workers say their company has frequently been offering them virtual social opportunities.

Virtual fun team events are a key way to boost productivity with your team. They create an energized and positive work environment and enable your team to come together and stay connected. It encourages your employees to work together more effectively, communicate better, problem solve, and manage conflicts. You can also increase your team's motivation, encourage creativity and innovation, and reinforce positive behavior by hosting fun virtual team events. A team that's engaged, motivated, connected, and collaborating effectively, is highly productive.

You can include several activities in your virtual team event, however, take into account what your employees enjoy. Some may be interested in virtual activities related to mental health well-being, such as stress management, meditation, and yoga. But, some may prefer a more interactive experience like trivia challenges or virtual happy hour. To encourage team attendance, you can also offer a bonus for participation or rewards to the winning team.

3. Encourage Hybrid Working

Since the Covid-19 pandemic, employees have settled into a routine of remote work. As companies plan for the future, the best path forward is a hybrid remote work and office collaboration model. In this new model, employees can work physically in an office or remotely, from wherever they want.

This flexible work environment can help boost your team's productivity. A study by the International Workplace Group found that 85% of employers who've implemented a flexible work environment reported increased productivity, and more than 40% of companies reported a 37% increase in productivity.

Hybrid working gives employees more autonomy and control over their working environment. Some may enjoy working in a home office environment, while others love working in the office setup. Hybrid working also affords your team some control over their hours, allowing them to work when they are most productive. Experts say more autonomous employees are happier, have increased productivity, and are more loyal, resulting in lower employee turnover.

To improve your hybrid team's productivity, provide them with the right tools to be effective in their roles. Collaboration and communication tools are the primary tools to make hybrid working a success. Recognize your team's achievements as this keeps them engaged and improves their morale. You can also allow office workers to set their own work schedules within reason. This gives them a similar autonomy as their remote working colleagues.

Bottom Line

Being mindful of your team's wellbeing, embracing a more flexible working culture, and hosting fun virtual events are some of the best ways to boost productivity with your team. By incorporating these three tips into your workplace culture, you'll also notice increased engagement, improved morale, increase in employee happiness, and improved retention rates.

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