
How Do eCommerce Businesses Leverage Gamification to Increase Sales?

E-Commerce Businesses Leverage Gamification to Increase Sales

Today, companies from various industries are actively adopting gamification. Strong competition in the market forces companies to look for new approaches to attracting customers and increasing sales. Gamification, in today's market realities, is a real way out for many businesses.

Gamification is especially beneficial for eCommerce businesses. The integration of playful elements into the shopping experience increases customer satisfaction and encourages first and repeat purchases. Gamification in eCommerce allows increasing not only the sales volume but also customer retention and the number of brand ambassadors.

Reliable technology partner Emerline, based on its wide development experience, is ready to talk about how gamification can help eCommerce businesses and share real-life examples of gamification used by world-known retailers.

What Is Gamification, and Why Is It Beneficial?

Gamification is a strategy for implementing game elements into a non-game environment to engage users and retain their attention. The introduction of game mechanics and tactics turns service or product purchasing into an exciting quest. Gamification in eCommerce is the implementation of gamified functionality that will gently lead the user to make a purchase.

Implementing game mechanics in your website or mobile app can bring the following benefits to your eCommerce business:

  • Increased sales.
  • Better customer engagement.
  • Enhanced brand awareness.
  • Improved customer loyalty.
  • Easy way to generate leads.

How Do Famous Companies Gamify Their Apps and Websites?

In 2020, about 72% of app store spending across all app stores was for mobile games. Retailers use game elements such as quizzes, loyalty points, spin the wheel, and various interactive clickers. The primary motivator that will encourage customers to play is the reward in the form of a discount or coupon they will receive at the end of the game.

Gamification is used by both small retail companies and market giants. On the example of large corporations such as Aliexpress, Nike, and Burger King, we will look at how gamification can assist eCommerce businesses to increase productivity and improve efficiency.

Nike and its Nike Run Club App

The Nike Run Club app is a famous example of gamification. This app was created with gamified elements to motivate users to exercise on a regular basis and increase the effectiveness of their workouts.

In addition to features such as a GPS tracker and training with a pro, the app is also equipped with several additional gamification-based features. For example, users can compete with each other in sports achievements, complete tasks, and receive awards and congratulations, as well as share their victories.

Nike was able to expand its market share in three years because of the gamification components. Compared to 46% of the running shoe market controlled by Nike, it has increased up to 61% in 2009.

Aliexpress and Challenges

The world-famous Aliexpress app has been using gamification elements for a long time. By participating in daily games and quizzes, users can earn coins and win special discounts and coupons, which helps the store to significantly increase conversions.

With this gamification innovation, AliExpress is one of the most popular online shopping platforms today. Their in-game section helps to retain customers by providing an immersive discount experience.

Burger King and Whopper Detour

Burger King's “Whopper Detour” is another example of gamification in eCommerce applications. This game element made about one and a half million users download the updated Burger King application.

According to Burger King’s game-like challenge, users had to download their application and find the McDonald’s restaurant within 600 feet to activate a special offer: a one-cent Whopper. Once the order was placed, the app directed the customers towards the nearest Burger King restaurant. As a result, thanks to gamification, Burger King’s app was the most downloaded in the Apple App Store for several days.

The implementation of such a feature helped the famous company increase sales by 0.8% in 2018.

Emerline experts can help you build effective mechanics of gaming activity that will solve the problems of your business. With extensive experience in developing solutions for various industries, Emerline will help you implement any of your projects. Book a free consultation right now.

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